Spiritual Science Digital Library


This website dedicated to the dissemination of spiritual truth crucial to our current age*. It is based primarily on the works of Rudolf Steiner, a man who left an indelible mark on humanity, not the least of which is knowledge of the spiritual realms that our age is now due to become acquainted with as much as we choose to involve our efforts and energies.

The term Spiritual Science describes the method through which Rudolf Steiner (and others since his time) acquired the knowledge presented here. The term most commonly used for the "movement" behind the learning and dissemination of this spiritual knowledge is Anthroposophy. Rudolf Steiner, regarding this spiritual research, maintained that every human being (Anthropos) has the inherent wisdom (Sophia) to solve the riddles of existence and therefore transform ourselves as individualities by taking into our souls this knowledge that reconnects us with our spiritual roots. By doing so, we also change our society and build the future that was meant for humanity.

"Anthroposophy is a spiritual philosophy and spiritual science that speaks to the deep questions of humanity, to our basic needs and the need to develop a relation to the world in complete freedom. It strives to develop not only natural scientific, but also spiritual scientific research and to bridge the divisions between the sciences, the arts and the spiritual strivings of man as the three main areas of human culture.

"Anthroposophy is also an impulse movement to nurture and honour the life of the soul in the individual and in society and is active in the world as applied or practical anthroposophy in various initiatives such as: Waldorf education, Biodynamic farming, Medicine, Curative education Eurythmy, The Christian Community, Architecture, etc.

"The term 'anthroposophy' predates Rudolf Steiner. The word ‘anthroposophy’ comes from the Greek (anthropos meaning 'human' and sophia meaning 'wisdom'). It can also be translated as ‘wisdom of the human being’ or understood as 'consciousness of one's humanity'.

Anthroposophy is a spiritual philosophy; not a religion. It is a pathway to developing a conscious awareness of one's humanity. It recognizes the inherent 'wisdom of the human being' to support a lifelong quest for spiritual self-development."

Source: Sydney Rudolf Steiner College

If you are new to Anthroposophy, we might suggest our 'Start Here' page. If you are curious about the man Rudolf Steiner, you can read about him and his contributions to humanity on his bio page.

If you would like a comprehensive overview of Spiritual Science, we highly recommend the work of Urs Schwanderner, available in the following:

"Anthroposophy is a path of cognition, to guide the spiritual in the human being to the spiritual in the universe. It arises in people as a need of the heart and feeling life. Anthroposophy can be justified only to the degree that it satisfies this inner need. It may be acknowledged only by those who find within it what they themselves feel the need to seek. Therefore, Anthroposophists are those who experience, as an essential need of life, certain questions on the nature of the human being and the universe, just as one experiences hunger and thirst."

Rudolf Steiner, Anthroposophical Leading Thoughts, 1924

Often when the difficulty and incomprehensibility of anthroposophy is spoken of, it is not because the understanding itself is so difficult, but because the modern world of thought feels alienated by what is said by the anthroposophists. And then the listeners or readers don’t say that these things are unusual for them, but they simply say: we don’t understand this. Not pre-education, but open-mindedness is what is often lacking in this respect. For anthroposophy says nothing that is not in fact deeply inscribed in every human soul. And to bring that out, it is not scholarship that is needed, but goodwill above all.

Source: GA 34 (German)

A Note on the Term "Theosophy"

At first glance the use of the term "theosophy" as it might appear in the material on this site may be somewhat misleading for the English reader. It may suggest to him associations with Anglo-Indian Theosophy and the Theosophical Society founded by H. P. Blavatsky.

Rudolf Steiner, however, uses the term independently and with different and much wider connotation. In earlier centuries, particularly in Central Europe, "Theosophy" was a recognised section of Philosophy and even of Theology. Jacob Boehme was known as the great "theosopher". In English the term goes back to the seventeenth century.

Ultimately it leads us back to St. Paul who says (I Cor. ii, 6-7): "Howbeit we speak wisdom among them that are perfect: yet not the wisdom of this world ... But we speak the wisdom of God (Greek 'Theosophia') in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the world unto our glory."

All "theosophy" implies a knowledge of the spiritual world, and such knowledge has been attained in different ways at different epochs of man's history.

* The material on this website is meant only as a subset of the wealth of knowledge regarding Spiritual Science and the Spiritual side of human life that is available. For a more comprehensive collection of information, we refer you to our External Resources page.