The Growth of Spiritual PerceptionThe effects of our thoughts and actions when we fall asleep at night and take the day's thoughts into the Spirit World.We are currently in the fully densified physical Earth incarnationThese are within the "Earth" incarnation aboveWithin the "(Current)" aboveEarth Stages (Epochs) & (Cultural) AgesFormation of the Eighth sphere: 1/3 will fall into the Abyss (out of evolution), 1/3 will become "adhered" to the 8th sphere (fall behind in evolution) and 1/3 will evolve further along with the Earth to its Jupiter incarnationThe AbyssThe four kingdoms of the physical plane of Earth and what qualities (or "bodies") each shares with the othersThe fourfold Human Being (its 4 bodies)The Soul Elements of the Fourfold Human BeingThe Inner Being of ManLife Cycle of a single incarnationThe Piscean AgeThe Two Jesus ChildrenAge-of-America charting the-churches & human evolution(Not recreated)(Not recreated)This is from the site Freemancreator I had envisioned an infographic (referred to as a Schema on FMC) a few days before reading the webpage. My version is below.The Fall in terms of the decline of Thought. GA 175, 14 April 1917