Scientific-Spiritual Aspects of the Coronavirus

Giorgio Tarditi Spagnoli Jan 21, 2021

Nature and the human ego

Originally the archetype of man, the Adam Kadmon, was one with the archetype of Nature, this being originated from the progressive expulsion of the components that had to become objective in the process of evolution of the man's ego. After the Expulsion from Paradise, the archetype of man is corrupted and so, by reflection, that of Nature: the luciferic power corrupts the astral from within, in the soul of man, the ahrimanic one corrupts the etheric from the outside, in Nature, obscuring it in matter. Here then is that Christ comes to perform actions that are internal and external together: the internal action redeems the temptation of Lucifer in the astral of man, the external action redeems the temptation of Ahriman in the etheric of the Earth. As well as the archetype of man, the ghost of Ancient Saturn, is restored in the Body of Resurrection, thus the Earth itself, receiving the cosmic I of Christ, which from Solar Spirit becomes Spirit of the Earth, is placed on the way to Resurrection. Christ Himself resurrects and manifests Himself in the etheric body as the Etheric Christ.

Now, we must not confuse the immorality of religious bigotry with that of the ego, these are totally different, in fact religious dualism does not find the Christ principle:

  • The good of religion is Lucifer.
  • The evil of religion is Ahriman.

In particular, if Ahriman lacks morals, pursuing only power, religious moralism instead comes from Lucifer. The morality of the Ego, and therefore of Christ, consists in fact of "free action of love", that is, of the balance in self-awareness which can even appear as evil in the eyes of those who have not yet awakened their own consciousness of the Ego. Christ as the presence of the Son, comes from Eternity, and therefore beyond any dualism, beyond good and evil that we usually judge.

Evil takes out of time and space something already existing and suitable elsewhere and otherwise. Just as there is a "moral fantasy", there is also an "immoral fantasy", which transports a good beyond time and space. However, through the obstacle offered by evil and its overcoming, man can develop forces of freedom and love which vice versa, in the absence of evil, he could never have developed. In the divine plan, therefore, evil is sacrificed so that a higher good can arise which did not exist at all before the onset of evil. This, for example, is the secret of the Mystery of the Betrayal performed by Judas for 30 pieces of silver, allowing the Mystery of Golgotha ​​to be fulfilled.

According to spiritual science, the origin of viruses occurs through immoral actions that man perpetrates against Nature. These are actions that man performs and which are contrary to his own ego, or against the balance of which the ego is the bearer, which is also love, even for Nature. The man in his spiritual mission is called to awaken in the consciousness of the Ego through Michael in thought and Christ in feeling, or to pass from living thought to thinking of the heart. Cosmic thinking thinks of the whole in the part, i.e. of the macrocosm in the microcosm and how these are each other's image. In this cosmic economy of thoughts, there is no part that has no role in the whole. Michael, as the bearer of cosmic thought, is the prince of Spiritual Ecology. In this passage man meets Sofia as consciousness of thought itself: well Sofia is the reawakened Soul of the World, resurrected Mother Nature, which resurrects through the ego of man who becomes the bearer of Michael's living cosmic thoughts. In other words, man by means of the Ego resurrects Nature, Mother Sofia, in the Ego itself.

Every time man acts in Christ he penetrates the Nature of the principle of the I. Indeed, the Etheric Christ is woven from the elementary beings who inhabit the etheric world. Whenever we manage to interpenetrate Nature and its Mineral, Vegetable and Animal Kingdoms with the consciousness of the Ego, Nature is restored in its paradisiacal condition, together with the elementals which are saved from decay and dissolution by the consciousness of man. Therefore contemplating Nature through the sacredness that the Ego confers on all existence, from everyday life to the limit of the cosmos, allows Nature itself and its beings to evolve towards man, or rather to return to being part of the Adam Kadmon which is reforming itself until the next planetary incarnation of the Earth itself, the Future Jupiter.

As evil comes from good and will return to good, so viruses derive from organisms and return to organisms. In essence, just as evil opposes good in order to be redeemed, so the parasite returns to the host organism in order to enter into symbiosis with it. From this observation of the balance that exists both in the spiritual world and in the natural world, which is an image of the spiritual one, we can affirm that man has the task of redeeming evil and overcoming illness. Man's task of redeeming evil must be accomplished in particular towards the ahrimanic spirits, the spirits of materialism, by ensuring that they are reintegrated and become collaborators of spiritual evolution by giving their power for the realization of the purposes of the spirit - in the same way man has the task of integrating what at first appears as an illness and then, once overcome, becomes a new inner strength of the soul that had not yet been conquered. This is the esoteric reason why every infectious disease appears over time, has a peak and then begins to lose strength, tending to become less dangerous and less widespread, even disappearing.

The Origin of Viruses

There is much confusion regarding the origin of viruses in the scientific-spiritual sphere. This is due to the statements of Dr. Thomas Cowan, which do not correspond at all with Steiner's thinking. To me and several other spirit-science scholarly friends it seemed strange indeed not to have read it before in other contexts, nor in the various articles and commentaries on the current situation by the Anthroposophical Society, however, one never knows, Steiner's work obviously being vast. Despite many searches, in fact, we have not been able to find the quotation given, which, by the way, betrays its incongruity, speaking of "virus," a term never used by Steiner and even more so of "DNA," an abbreviation coined only in 1944 from the word "deoxyribonucleic acid" coined only in 1931, respectively 19 and 6 years after Steiner's death in 1925 .

Despite the possible link between epidemics and electromagnetic waves, as they weaken the immune system, the idea according to which "electromagnetism poisons cells and induces the formation of viruses from within" is not Steiner's and seems functional in wanting to deny that viruses can be transmitted from individual to individual. Instead, there are quotations regarding the progressive electrification of the atmosphere and the difficulty of "remaining human"; as well as quotes about how bacilli become pathogenic parasites in an organism with unbalanced soil – but they are separate quotes.

Exosomes have been observed for cellular mechanisms of substance secretion. It is the proposed mechanism for the original genesis of viruses, but it has never been observed in vivo. Dr. Cowan claims that Steiner would have asserted the process of extrusion from the cell by exosomes would occur whenever a virus originates, however, this has never been observed, and if it were, it would in fact be impossible to trace the phylogeny of a virus, as it is possible to do. If viruses are generated from the cell by extrusion of exosomes we would have to admit that the Coronavirus dna is already present as it is in the RNA of the cell (Coronavirus in fact has no DNA), as well as all other viruses that we can manifest but this would also mean that the RNA of the Virus should resemble most of all humans and not other Coronaviruses and this is not the case.

The origin by extrusion in exosomes, on the other hand, is actually what happened in a very remote era when viruses originated from cell types that still parasitize today, this idea is also admitted by natural science. Therefore viruses are parts of the genome of cells, to which they must necessarily return in order to reproduce. In fact, the virus exploits the cellular mechanisms for its reproduction because it is an obligate parasite. All beings that share that cell type from which they originated can be hosts of the virus. This without obviously considering the mutations that allow the virus to adapt and "jump species". Mutations do not concern the entire RNA set of the virus but only a fraction of it which is the one that mutates and allows it to adapt to new species. But provided they possess the primitive cell type, i.e. lung tissue. The theory of origin has it that viruses originated when the cell types that are able to parasitize primitively originated. So the evolutionarily correct question would be: when did the primitive cellular tissue of all the animals that possess the primitive type Coronavirus first originate?

Since the Coronavirus genus also parasitizes reptiles, as well as mammals and birds, it must be admitted that this virus originated from the detachment of parts of the genome of an organism into exosomes at the time of the common progenitor of all the species parasitized by the primitive Coronavirus. So we would be talking about 251 million years ago, in the Mesozoic era when, according to natural science, reptiles differentiated. In scientific-spiritual terms this takes us to the Lemurian Era, or when man expelled the reptiles from himself.

The virus is a lifeless being but nevertheless capable of replicating itself, it is suspended between the mineral and the living cell, therefore it derives from the primordial forces of the physicist and from the Mysteries of the Will of the Thrones of Ancient Saturn - the mineral protein capsid - and goes towards the etheric life forces originating from the Mysteries of Wisdom of the Dominations of the Ancient Sun - the cell as the basic unit of the living. They are the Asuras who as a hierarchy of the retrograde obstacle of Saturn who work by disrupting the physical. The Asuras act in man by binding the ego and the physical body through the conscious soul. The virus has this signature as it enters the cell and breaks it down into shape to replicate.

Virus and Etheric Body

The virus is therefore transmitted, but this does not mean that they can give rise to symptoms: an asymptomatic person is not sick. The problem is the ground: if the etheric ground is weak, viruses and bacteria can and do become pathogenic, i.e. they dominate the host etheric body. The Io-etheric axis allows you to strengthen the immune system which is basically the one that keeps the shape of the organism integrated with the life ether. The etheric body originates in the Ancient Sun from the Vital Spirit of the Dominations, or 3 planetary incarnations before the human ego. In fact, the etheric body is 3 times more evolved than the physical body. It is the etheric body which maintains the form of the human organism by means of the life ether.

In this regard, it should be remembered that man has never "created" a virus, but only modified it. The same goes for all other beings "created" in the laboratory, i.e. modified. The expression "creating in the laboratory" is completely inappropriate. In fact, man has not yet acquired the necessary strength to rise to the rank of those Spiritual Hierarchies which are the creator gods, that is, the Elohim. The man's ego despite having been donated by the Elohim is still in its infancy, to be precise the Elohim, being the Hierarchy of the Sun, are 4 times more evolved than the human ego in its current state, i.e. they are beyond the state of consciousness of Intuition.

The virus being originally part of the organism that originated it, has a dissolving action on form: the principle of form is linked to that of identity. So much so that morphology is the first among branches of life sciences, biology. In fact, we recognize the "forms of life", that is, the forms that are endowed with their own life, which in turn maintains the form. Once "life forms," plant or animal, are dropped from life at the moment of death, they also lose their proper form through decomposition.

From this we can well understand how a virus, which is a simplified form of a more complex life form, needing to enter the original host organism to replicate itself, acts as a decayed life ether, an anti-life ether. This is all the more true when the virus may have also been engineered to amplify some characteristics, such as a greater ability to spread and infect. Therefore, in order to assume its own form, the virus needs to dissolve that of the cells from which it originated, replicating itself inside them. A virus can remain intact in its functional form only for a limited time outside the host organism, on pain of dissolution of its own form by atmospheric agents, primarily sunlight.

The Corona-Crisis

First of all, the Coronavirus is an influenza, i.e. a virus that mainly affects the human respiratory system: nose, mouth, trachea and above all the lungs. According to anthroposophic medicine, the flu is therefore a disease linked to Mercury, to which the lungs corresponded in ancient times, representing the wings of the caduceus still to be unfolded. The influence is therefore an increase of consciousness in the sphere of feeling, the rhythmic pole. According to anthroposophical physiology, the lungs are that part of the human body which puts the human individual in communication with the cosmos, it is through respiration, inhalation and exhalation, that there is a constant exchange between the microcosm and the macrocosm. The relationship between the micro and macrocosms is where the cosmic half of the cosmic lemniscate enters and becomes the human half.

The Coronavirus causes a transformation of the lungs so that from a watery environment, which covers the alveoli with a veil, we pass to a dry, calcified environment so that the respiratory function becomes difficult, or rather a conscious effort becomes necessary to ensure that the respiratory function takes place, be it on the part of the patient or those who assist him. In other words, the Coronavirus highlights the point of contact between the individual and the universe, the respiratory system, so that it becomes necessary to rethink our relationship with the environment. Man has lost his spontaneous contact with Nature, with the Earth, and must now consciously rethink it. The lungs allow us to embody the animic-spiritual pole in the physical body, linking it to the elementary air and therefore even to matter: an aspect that we forget in this virtual society that wants to sever its bond with Nature and therefore with the Earth. To deny the bond between Nature and Man is to deny the Spirit of the Earth, it is to deny that the Earth is the body of Christ.

Despite all the conspiracy theories, the Coronavirus originates in China: this is demonstrable by phylogenetic study of the Coronavirus genome, which is related to its progenitor, the bat Coronavirus. It is therefore a "species jump" between bat and human. Like many other epidemics that have originated in China and more generally in places where the possibility of human and animal blood mixing, the mutation that allows the virus to cross species is due to a combination of poor or absent hygienic conditions combined with inhumane treatment of animals, often exotic and protected by international conventions. In China, snakes, bats and even the pangolin, animal species subject to the highest restrictions in the field of illegal trafficking that China systematically evades, so much so that, for example, the pangolin is on its way to extinction, have been called into question.

The epidemic then involved all the nations of the world and therefore became a pandemic: this means that its compensation, although originating in China, acts throughout the world, especially in the more industrialized nations. This aspect indicates a link with consumerism, the "son" of materialistic thought applied to the economy, and therefore involves the karma of all the nations of the world in various ways. It is therefore an event at the level of world karma, universally human.

On the one hand, the Coronavirus is a fragment of the animal that has managed to become partially human, on the other it is a part of man that is animalized. From a spiritual scientific point of view, we should not forget both the wild deforestation of the Amazon and the fires in Australia that caused the death of tens of thousands of animals in suffering: as we have seen, the animal suffering caused by man due to his disconnection with the Earth as a living being, as the body of Christ, generates a compensation by the wave of animal life which returns in the form of pathogens, such as viruses. Man treats animals inhumanely and they lower themselves becoming pathogens, returning to compensate for the suffering suffered.

As far as contagion is concerned, it is not difficult to notice that the most polluted areas are subject to greater virulence: just think of the cities of China and the Italian red zone which includes the main cities where smog and particulate matter are a serious problem. The respiratory tissues are already normally subjected to stress and therefore are weaker. The high mortality in Italy is probably linked on the one hand to the fact that it is among older populations and on the other to the abuse of antibiotics which over time has selected extremely resistant strains of bacteria which, in combination with the effects of the virus, are the real cause of deaths.

From the phenomenological point of view, even the name "Coronavirus" itself has a scientific-spiritual significance: in fact, this virus has in it the word "Crown," which is in the form of the protein capsid of the virus itself, but it is also a word of power, it is the name of the highest sphere of the Tree of Life: the Sephirah Kether, "Crown" for that matter, which is the divine Ego, or true Ego placed in the center of the Zodiac. Such Ego is superior even to the higher Ego which resides in the sphere of the Sun. This aspect of phenomenological observation of the very name of the virus, leads us to the fact that man must find in himself his Corona, that is, the vertical connection between the individual Ego in incarnation and his higher Ego and thus the Christ, who is called to be born in every man, regardless of the outer churches which - because of the arrangements made to slow down the contagion, are closed and thus cannot gather the congregation of the faithful.

The China-Italy Karmic Bond

As regards the situation in particular between China and Italy, and the relationship between them by number of infections, we can say that, historically, Italy has always been the gateway to the East in Europe. This is all the more true of China, as Venice was the gateway to the heart of Europe on the Silk Road.

Furthermore, more recently Italy and China have developed a particular close relationship since the 2008 crisis onwards, when much Italian manufacturing production had already been relocated to China, just as many businesses and properties were sold off to Chinese buyers. Italy suffered the 2008 crisis much more than other European countries, making it more permeable to oriental influence, also having more attractions from foreign investors, such as the Chinese. From there began a sort of "replacement" of companies that were previously Italian on Italian soil with Chinese ones on Italian soil.

The reason for the fire sale is purely economic, and the Italian economy being sick, the disease spills over into the social sphere like an epidemic. By linking the economy, the liquids, the vital substance, or rather the etheric body of Italy and China, are linked: consequently if "China gets sick" also "Italy will get sick" as a consequence, as a domino effect.

To reinforce this double aspect, Italy and China have recently signed an economic and tourist and cultural exchange pact in order to place Italy as a balancing pole between America, always present militarily and ideologically on the territory since after the Second World War, and China, representing the growing industrial power of the East.

We also see the consequences of this karmic bond in the way China is making up for the lack of masks in Italy, also sending doctors who are experts in containing the viral contagion. Emblematic is the quote from Lucio Anneo Seneca chosen as a slogan by the technological brand Xiaomi for sending the masks:

We are waves of the same sea, leaves of the same tree, flowers of the same garden.

This phrase, which is part of the classical heritage of Mediterranean civilization, was chosen by a representative of Chinese culture to indicate the union that unconsciously exists between Italy and China, in both its positive and negative aspects. It is very interesting to note how it is a thought of unity, continuity and identity which, despite being Seneca's, echoes the ancient wisdom of oriental aphorisms. It is interesting to note how this element of the adage on traditional culture is in common, albeit in different forms, between the Orient, first of all China and Italy.

The China of the Emperors has become the China of the totalitarian communist regime with a few enjoying the backs of the many, the Italy of the Roman Emperors has become the lobbying Italy of the personalities and selfishness of the few over the many. Italian thought and language, being fundamentally woven in the element of air, are influenced by the same Luciferic forces that predominate in the Orient, which tend to give weight to the few more than to the individual. It must be remembered that the East, in particular Asia Minor, was founded as a center for the diffusion of the resurrected wisdom of Atlantis after the Great Flood and therefore the East itself is more linked to the repetition of tradition, of the same rather than to innovation as the American Western pole is.

The Virus from the Vaccine

Regarding Steiner's position regarding vaccines, the following quote is often quoted and which however is not directly related to the current situation regarding vaccines:

Spirits of darkness are in our midst; they are here. We must remain on guard so that we notice when we encounter them, so that we understand where they are. For the most dangerous thing in the near future will be to surrender unconsciously to such influences, which really exist around us. In fact, whether man recognizes them or not, it makes no difference to their actual existence.

Above all, it will be important for these Spirits of Darkness to bring confusion, to give false directions to what is now spreading throughout the world and for which the Spirits of Light will continue to operate in the right direction. I have already had occasion to warn about a wrong direction, which is really among the most paradoxical. I have pointed out to you that human bodies will develop in such a way that some spirituality may find a place in them, but that materialistic thinking, the spread of which is increasingly fueled by the directions of the Spirits of Darkness, will operate in such a way as to oppose it by material means. I have told you that the Spirits of Darkness will inspire the victims they feed on, the men they will inhabit, even to invent a vaccine to divert the tendency of souls toward spirituality toward physicality from very early childhood.

Just as today we vaccinate bodies against this and that, so in the future we will vaccinate children with a substance prepared so that through vaccination, these people will be immune from developing in themselves the "madness" of spiritual life, madness, of course, from the materialistic point of view. [...] All of this ultimately tends to find a method by which they will be able to vaccinate their bodies, so that they will not be able to develop inclinations toward spiritual ideas, but will believe throughout their existence only in physical matter. Thus, just as medicine today vaccinates against tuberculosis, so tomorrow it will vaccinate against the disposition toward spirituality. By this is meant only to give a hint of something particularly paradoxical, among the many other things that will happen in this sphere, in the near and even more distant future, so as to wreak havoc in what is to flow on earth from the Spiritual Worlds, thanks to the "Victory of the Spirits of Light.

– Rudolf Steiner, The Fall of the Spirits of Darkness, GA177, lecture of 27 October 1917

This vaccine "against the spirit" has not yet been invented, and it cannot be countered by spiritual education. However it is clear that in this case Steiner is not talking about vaccines in general, but about a specific "anti-spiritual vaccine". For the other vaccines, which relieve man from experiencing the physical counterpart of unbalanced soul dispositions, the rule always applies that spiritual education can compensate for the illness that has been karmically relieved of those who should have experienced it on the one hand, as well as that which was forced into those who would not have foreseen it in their karma.

If we want to put spiritual science into practice we must keep in mind that when spiritual development reaches a certain stage of development, there is no possibility of being "poisoned" by artificial substances, be they vaccines, medicines or food. There is a lot of confusion about what Steiner said about vaccines. The question of vaccines, for any disease, fits into the relationship between disease and karma, in which disease is an expression of karma and therefore of a soul compensation process, which creates forces in the present and subsequent incarnations.

In Steiner's words:

Now it will be clear why vaccination protection appeared in our period. We also understand why, among the best minds of our period, there exists a kind of aversion to vaccination. This aversion corresponds to something within, and it is the outer expression of an inner reality. Therefore, while we destroy the physical expression of a previous guilt, we must also take it upon ourselves to transform the materialistic character of such a person through a corresponding spiritual education. This would constitute the indispensable counterpart without which we are performing only half of our task. We are only accomplishing something to which the person in question will have to produce a counterpart in a subsequent incarnation. If we destroy smallpox susceptibility [through vaccination], we are only focusing on the external side of karmic activity.

If on the one hand we go for hygiene, it is necessary that on the other hand we feel a duty to contribute to the person whose organism has been so transformed, also for the sake of his soul. Vaccination will not be harmful if, after vaccination, the person receives spiritual education. If we focus on one side and do not emphasize the other, we weigh the scales unevenly. This is really what we hear in those circles that claim that where hygienic measures go too far, only weak natures are propagated. This of course cannot be justified, but we see how essential it is not to undertake one task without the other.

– Rudolf Steiner, Manifestations of Karma, GA120, May 25, 1910

The Gospel passage that refers to this process of compensation between what is artificial and what is spiritual is this:

And these will be the signs that will accompany those who believe: in my name they will cast out demons, they will speak new languages, they will take hold of snakes and, if they drink any poison, it will not harm them, they will lay hands on the sick and they will recover. – Mark 16:17-18

In particular:

"They will drink poison and it will do them no harm."

The real problem of vaccination is the imposition, that is, the limitation of freedom. Indeed evil, in order to act, disguises itself as what a certain way of thinking many consider to be "good". This good today essentially coincides on the one hand with scientific materialism and on the other with economic enrichment: when a scientific dogma is imposed, it is possible to impose a decision on a large scale in the population and thus enrich a certain economy. Evil will primarily use the economy to act. Evil will therefore exploit a certain critical mass of people, a majority who, having not developed their own free will, act only as a consequence of what is imposed.

The problem with this parallel process of expansion of knowledge and expansion of consciousness is that scientific discoveries and technological innovations can move at a much higher speed than the general spiritual evolution of man who is therefore progressively spiritually lazy. This is how falling prey to Lucifer when he rejects technology outright, and prey to Ahriman when he fully and uncritically embraces technology instead. For example, technology has become so powerful and seductive for man that the temptation arises to give up all actions to substitutes for man, be they computers, robots or cyborgs. Every scientific discovery expands the realm of inquiry of science, and every technological innovation expands the possibilities for human action: these events can (and do) occur without the full participation of human consciousness, thus leaving a gap between current and future human consciousness. In essence, every advance brought before the expansion of consciousness widens a chasm between what man is and what he is destined to achieve and which he can only bridge with greater spiritual effort.

The Coronavirus Cure

Rather than the vaccine, it would be good to focus on the treatment of the symptoms of the Coronavirus infection, and in particular on the hyperimmune plasma, which consists of a blood transfusion from patients who have integrated the response to the Coronavirus Covid-19 into their immune system, having developed antibodies to such a degree as to be "hyperimmune", i.e. no longer able to develop symptoms or transmit it. From a scientific-spiritual point of view we also know blood is the vehicle of the ego on the physical plane, and in particular of the group ego, i.e. of the hereditary physical forces, which are part of the blood brotherhood of the Old Testament. These hereditary physical forces respond to the Archangel Gabriel, who presides over the generating forces of the Moon and, on a higher plane, to Eloah Jehovah or Jahve, the Spirit of the Moon. Transfusion of blood is absolutely prohibited by Jehovah and Gabriel, who favor the physical line where the group soul lives. This was entirely justified in evolutionary terms before the Mystery of Golgotha, with the need to reach the priestly and royal line of Jesus of Nazareth.

However, everything changes in the times of the New Testament, and especially since after the Mystery of Golgotha, the lunar forces of Jehovah give way to those of the Christ, the Solar Spirit who ends the mission of all blood ties and begins the importance of the brotherhood of the spirit which we will see culminate only near in the 6th Epoch of Culture, the Age of Aquarius or Epoch of the Spiritual Self. The law of Christ's love in the individual ego surpasses the law of retaliation linked to blood and group soul. Today we are not only in the age of the conscious soul, the 5th Epoch of Culture or Age of Pisces, which must transmute the physical, but also in the age of the Arché Michael who, unlike Gabriel, inspires cosmic thinking and cosmopolitanism, rejecting everything that has to do only with blood inheritance, as related to physical generation. Michael, and therefore the scientific-spiritual and Rosicrucian path that he presides over, rejects what is founded only in the physical and in the hereditary line, where the group soul predominates.

The transfusion of blood within the same people loosens the strength of the group soul, instead allowing the individual ego to prevail: the way of the ego and that which sees Michael enlighten thinking and unite with the Christ in the thinking of the heart and in the etherization of the blood, a supersensible blood which has no hereditary ties. So the argument for why one should refuse to accept blood transfusions because of a "mingling of the spirit" is what Steiner calls "Jahve-Denken," or the Old Testament "Thinking of Jahve," the same principle for which Jehovah's Witnesses refuse transfusions. In fact, the brotherhood of blood and thus the close bond between spirit and blood ceases with the Mystery of Golgotha, a moment when instead the brotherhood of spirit prevails more and more, which is founded on the blood of Christ Jesus flowing from the cross, on the etherization of blood flowing between heart and head and thus on the Etheric Christ.

The Redemption of Ahriman

Steiner was not against technology and its innovations, however he warned against assuming that innovation itself, without a corresponding spiritual development could benefit humanity. In fact, vaccines are to be framed in this way, as are all technological innovations: all that they relieve the human being must be compensated for by spiritual work. This applies to any technological invention without exception as the spirits that inspire scientific discoveries are Luciferic spirits and those that inspire technological innovation are Ahrimanic spirits. Consequently scientific discoveries and technological innovations must be balanced with respect to the ego through the Christ.

Man's mission after the Mystery of Golgotha is to redeem Ahriman by transforming the laboratory table an altar. For this to happen, it is necessary for man to be able to believe that he can evolve toward his spiritual archetype so that his actions will be directed toward the greater good. Man has stopped believing in what his spiritual archetype allows him to be: much more than he currently does. Belief is a process that enables man to come to knowledge. The present man, grasping himself as I in thinking, can come to what he cannot yet know by means of believing. However, present-day natural science, being materialistic, interrupts this process: by denying believing as a cognitive means it makes all that is possible to know only given information, provided by something else, and never grasped by means of the Ego.

The moment man is imbued with a sense of the sacred by performing a scientific experiment he will prevent Ahriman from penetrating the act itself: nature science will be consecrated, and the experience of Nature through science will be sacred as well. Materialism will have been defeated on the very altar on which it initially manifested itself. At that moment the Christ will be united with the self of that scientist who will be both a scientist of nature and a scientist of spirit. After religion, science is the mode by which Christ will culminate his evolution in the sphere of human culture toward the end of the 5th Epoch of Present Culture. At that time, man's ego will thus have acquired the creative capacity in the scientific sense, that is, he will have brought the conscious soul into science, while at the same time bringing science to consciousness, accomplishing a process that man already accomplished with the evolution of the sentient soul having gained creativity in the artistic sense.


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