Tag: Spiritual

Comments of Profundity

Posted on Tuesday August 30, 2022   |   By

It is one thing to repost from another site that has impacted one such they feel the “need” to do so. However sometimes one finds profound thought offered as responses (comments) to the post. One such place (blog) I have always found a wealth of intelligent thought (whether I agree with the comments or not) is the Anthropopper site. Over the years Jeremy has thrown forth seeds from which grew ongoing interaction with a host of people that I have come to respect, and as I said above, whether I agree with them or not. What I recognize about myself, however, is that I am no match for the intelligence these people display in their arguments (and often the comments are argumentative!). (more…)

Transcend the Physical Body

Posted on Sunday August 14, 2022   |   By

Excerpted from Rudolf Steiner’s lecture titled “The Mission of the Earth(more…)

Where and When – Now

Posted on Wednesday June 8, 2022   |   By

Modern science looks at the human being the way a person who is unable to read looks at a page of the Bible i.e. as a sheet of characters that can be described as being grouped in certain ways, each character possessing its own characteristics of straight lines, curved lines and swirls. (more…)

Do not!

Posted on Sunday April 10, 2022   |   By

Do not give them what they cannot take. (more…)