God ForsakenPosted on 09/24/2022  |  By

Is this life God forsaken? Has God turned away from us, left us alone in this desert ruled by demons and lorded over by Ahriman?

The middle of this century (20th) … will coincide with that point of time when the atavistic forces still remaining from before the middle of the 15th century will have fallen into the worst decadence; hence humanity must resolve before the middle of this century to turn toward the spiritual. We still meet many people today who say: “Why does misfortune come? Why do the Gods not help?” The fact is, we are in the period of humanity’s evolution in which the Gods will immediately help if men turn to them, but in which the Gods are compelled by their laws to deal with free men, not with puppets.

Source: Rudolf Steiner – GA 194 – The Mysteries of Light, of Space, and of the Earth – Lecture III: Historical Occurrences of the Last Century – Dornach, 14th December 1919

What, then, is a “free man”? It is a human being that realizes first deep down that he, or she, is not a human being open to spiritual experiences, but rather a spiritual being having a human experience.

In the Lord’s prayer we pray, “Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done – on Earth as it is in Heaven.” This reflects in sacred form the Hermetic Principle of Correspondence, to which I offer my understanding in the Light revealed to me as I have traveled inward seeking to “know thyself”.

The Principle of Correspondence reads, “As above, so below; As below, so above.” There are two primary planes of existence — the Spiritual plane and the physical plane. These are intimately related and are inseparable. What occurs on the physical plane creates an effect on the Spiritual plane. The reverse is also true. God and those divinities that exist on the Spiritual plane are at all times effecting, and are affected by, events on the physical plane. God is intimately involved in every one of our lives and, indeed, in all of His creation.

This life is not God-forsaken. It is we who have forsaken God and allowed ourselves to be lured by the pink lips of the pig called materialism. Such forsaking has hardened us, we have become lost in the muck and mire of an existence that no longer knows God, no longer truly seeks Him, no longer cares to recapture the connection to the Cosmos that we have cut.

Be, therefore, a free human being; exercise your free will to choose. Then choose wisely. Stop being a puppet of your material passions and desires that are destroying you and helping to create a hell here on Earth.