Tag: God
Send it Back From Whence it Came
The Lord of the Rings – quite a movie franchise, eh? (more…)
How Does the Future Look to You?
The main source of this post is provided at its end. The source material is heavily dependent on an understanding of Spiritual Science. I have tried to “adjust” certain terms and ideas in the hope of presenting this subject in a more universally palpable way and have added comments according to my own, independent, understanding of this material. (more…)
Why I No Longer Attend
I confess, I have not been to Liturgy (I am an Eastern Orthodox Christian) for, well, too long. Suffice it to say, my wife and I had some unfortunate experiences in the church, which wound up pushing us away. In spite of these experiences, we remain in our hearts true to our baptism, but perhaps not so much to the church. (more…)
Living and Dying in the Limelight
Limelight: a stage lighting instrument producing illumination by means of an oxyhydrogen flame directed on a cylinder of lime and usually equipped with a lens to concentrate the light in a beam; OR: the center of public attention. (more…)