Tag: Awakening

Our Time

Posted on Thursday August 31, 2023   |   By

Our time is one when the darkness that inevitably had to hold sway has run its course, and when a new light, the light of spiritual life, must shine forth. (more…)

Abstract Realities

Posted on Thursday August 10, 2023   |   By

The modern world is composed almost entirely of abstractions… (more…)

My Life Today

Posted on Tuesday August 8, 2023   |   By

My karma prevents me from becoming clairvoyant in this incarnation, (more…)

Screwtape Redux

Posted on Wednesday August 2, 2023   |   By

So many wonders have accumulated since Steiner wrote The Philosophy of Freedom that the very Naïve Realism whose sinister partnership with Critical Idealism that book overthrew has shifted its ground. (more…)