Tag: Awakening

How Does the Future Look to You?

Posted on Monday July 26, 2021   |   By

The main source of this post is provided at its end. The source material is heavily dependent on an understanding of Spiritual Science. I have tried to “adjust” certain terms and ideas in the hope of presenting this subject in a more universally palpable way and have added comments according to my own, independent, understanding of this material. (more…)

A View from Above

Posted on Friday July 23, 2021   |   By

What has been going on these past two years is and always has been a Spiritual War. This war began in the “Garden.” (more…)

God is not

Posted on Friday July 23, 2021   |   By

…a one day a week, 2 hour experience; An “only on HOLYday” excursion into your life… (more…)

Love over Fear

Posted on Wednesday July 14, 2021   |   By

It seems so often that we have relationships that somehow we view as “private.” And, of course, that may be so. But if we are to live in the Real Reality of “All is One,” that is, we are all a part of one another, then it seems to me that sometimes we should let others into our private little world where healing is found and the Love and Light of God shines so brightly through the darkness of our pain and struggles that such Light MUST be shared. So here I share such Light I received in an hour of darkness. (more…)