Tag: Awakening

Send it Back From Whence it Came

Posted on Thursday December 16, 2021   |   By

The Lord of the Rings – quite a movie franchise, eh? (more…)

The Angels Weep

Posted on Thursday December 16, 2021   |   By


The Time is Now

Posted on Monday December 13, 2021   |   By

From where shall come the healing necessary for our time? Over long stretches of time humanity gradually found its way downward, sinking deeply into the mire of materialism. (more…)

Your Opinions are Illusions

Posted on Saturday November 20, 2021   |   By

Purely materialistic views – of the world, of life, of self – result in illusions that give power to those in control of that illusion. Such illusion robs us of our freedoms – whether you buy into the illusion are not. We are in this TOGETHER, like it or not… (more…)