
Axing My Way to 60

Posted on Saturday May 15, 2021    |   Time posted: 1:58 pm    |   By

I must be honest. Turning “sixty” just feels weird. Twenty one was fun. Thirty was, hmm…. “mature male”, “all growed up.” Forty, a challenge, but acceptable. Fifty, now that was a strange birthday (in terms of the number) but I was in the prime of what would become my final professional position in the tech industry. But sixty??? (more…)

Bee Yourself & Bee Part of the All

Posted on Monday May 10, 2021    |   Time posted: 8:07 am    |   By

Reposted from The great Rudolf Steiner Quotes Site.

It is very important to study a beehive. The single bee is stupid; it has instincts, but it is stupid by itself. The beehive as a whole, however, is exceedingly wise. (more…)

Rudolf Steiner: Dweller on the Threshold

Posted on Monday May 10, 2021    |   Time posted: 7:51 am    |   By

Reprinted with permission from New Dawn Magazine. I read this article some time ago, then lost it when I wanted to quote from it in a recent post. After reading it again, however, I felt it is the best overview of Steiner’s life that I wanted to reprint it in it’s entirety. (more…)

Penny for Your Thoughts

Posted on Sunday May 9, 2021    |   Time posted: 3:27 pm    |   By

I’d give you gold if I could afford it. I really, really want you to think your own thoughts… (more…)