What I KnowPosted on 05/22/2021  |  By

My 60th birthday was a few days ago. It marked the beginning of a more focused life for me via a commitment I made to myself. To quote St. Paul, that commitment is: “When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.” [1 Corinthians 13:11].

It took me 40+ years of hard study, of falling and getting up, of desiring and pursuing only pleasure – without satisfaction, of never giving up on what I understood to be the most important pursuit in life: The Truth, The Secret, The Why, The Way. I know I will continue to struggle, to fall. But I will always get back up and move forward. I live according to something my Grandfather wrote:

“Life is motion, action and energy. When we do not advance, we fall back. If we stop, we are beaten and ultimately outdistanced. If we are silent, we are soon forgotten. We cannot stand still.” – Nelson Granville Douglass

In this post I advance. I will no longer be silent. I care little if I am forgotten, however I desire within my core that what I share here is not.

There are things I Know now. “Knowing*” is very different from understanding. One can “Know” before one understands. Understanding is not a prerequisite of Knowing. Knowing is the Secret Revealed. Within the Secret is the Truth, the Answer to everything. And that Answer is, really, quite simple. The difficulty with the Answer is that we have an innate tendency to require the understanding before the Knowing. However Knowing IS Truth, and Truth is (always) self-evident. It requires no proof of itself. Why? Because the Truth, the Secret of Everything, is INSIDE you already. For us, in our age, the Fifth Post-Atlantean Age and beyond, we were born into this and all subsequent lives (incarnations) with this Seed of Truth to the Secret of All Ages hidden within us. THIS is the (true) definition of the words “occult” and “esoteric”.

So what is it that I Know?

I Know that EVERYTHING, EVERY existence – mineral, plant, animal, human – is Spiritual. Nothing exists, no entity either here on Earth nor in the Heavens, is not Spiritual.

I Know that there are, to put things in intellectually simple terms, two planes. Two planes that concern us in the scope of any one incarnation. There are more, to be sure. And to Know these other planes is of course great benefit. For purposes here, I am keeping things foundational. On the one hand, there is the Physical plane; On the other is the Spiritual plane. There is a (Hermetic) principle that states “As Above, So Below. As Below, So Above.” The meaning is that these two planes are of utmost significance to one another. They not only interact, but they are co-dependent and intricately intertwined. There is nothing that occurs in one that does not have an effect in the other.

I Know that “Life” on the Physical plane has one single purpose – to Learn the Truth of Who We Are, and, just as important, What We Are. Who and What are We? We are extremely important Spiritual Beings. All of Creation has been made for the purpose of our development into the highest of all Created Beings. However, the attainment of this purpose is wholly dependent on our participation in that process, that evolution. Without the Knowing of Who and What We Are, as the beginning of All Knowing, our part in this Highest of All Purposes is absolutely negated, null; It cannot happen.

I Know that the Physical plane is Maya, illusion. However, illusion here does not in any way infer any lack of critical importance. Quite the opposite. This “illusion” is of the utmost importance to the development of the Human Being as outlined above. It is our Lives experienced on the Physical plane that separates us from all other Spiritual Beings. We experience and learn through the physical sense world, about Creation, about how to create, about ourselves. It is within the classroom of Maya, Life, the Physical plane, that we participate in our own, individual, growth. Through the gift of Free Will we are able to exercise our developed Intellect to Choose between polar opposites of Everything we experience in the sense world. The Knowing we gain in the sense world is knowledge we integrally possess. It is our possession in as much as it is an eternal part of us – nothing can separate us from what we Learn.

I Know that there exists two opposing forces (entities) that oppose our development into the Highest Order of Created Beings. These two forces oppose one another because they stand as polar opposites of one another in how they strive and desire to prevent the Human Being from becoming what He is meant to become. On one end (let’s call this the left end of the scale) the entity desires that we never experience the sense world, that we remain dependent on a quasi-clairvoyance for an understanding of our existence and never obtain the ability to discern Life from our own Learned experience. On the other end (the right) the entity would have us not know of the Spiritual plane, not Know Who and What we really are. He would have us ultimately hardened to the Physical plane, ever dependent on his lies for our perception of our existence. These entities have names, which have been vastly misunderstood and in most cases misused. On the left is Lucifer. On the right is Ahriman (also known as Satan). As a side note, the term “devil” so often used is actually a composite of both of these entities, since both seek our “destruction.”

I Know that there is a third force (entity) that is our Helper, our Protector, our Provider. He provides the Impulse from which we can draw the energy required to bring Lucifer and Ahriman into balance. He provides us with the How, the Way, to Live our Lives on the Path of Higher Development. This balance is akin to what Buddha taught as the “middle way.” Balance is the Key to Life. We must Live with the Knowing of Who and What We Are as we Learn through the experience of the sense world, the Physical plane. The Above AND the Below are equally important. This Entity’s name is Jesus the Christ. He has been VASTLY misinterpreted and misunderstood. Indeed, so too has the Bible been locked in the simplistic, material interpretation. It’s Secrets are deep and vast – and there for All of Us with ears to hear and eyes to see. This is the purpose of the Allegory, the Parables – to force us, through the exercise of our Free Will, to Listen and See – apart from the distractions (lies about who and what we are and the meaning of life and what is important) laid down by our adversaries, even our own lower selves. There is A LOT more to the Mystery of the Christ, which is wrapped up in the Mystery of Golgotha, but which is far beyond the scope of my purposes here. Seek and you shall find. The (entire) Kingdom of God is within You.

I Know that there is much value in the ancient Mysteries, however their time is past. This does not infer that we are to allow ourselves to be ignorant of what was taught. This knowledge retains its value in our time. But without the balance that comes from the Impulse of Christ, it becomes very dangerous.

I Know that our Path in the cycles of birth, death, and rebirth our destination is ultimately back with our Father. This does not mean to in some way become “absorbed” back into Him. It means (simply) that He is our Father, We are His children. What Father (or Mother) does not desire the ever-presence of their children? Therein lies the reason these Words are used to describe the indescribable.

I Know that the Cosmos, the planets, the stars, the Universe, has two “sides” to it. There is what we observe of it from the Physical plane – the mathematical interpretation. More importantly, however (without negating the importance of the mathematical, the material aspect), is the Entity side of these bodies. They are, much like you and I, Living Entities. The Earth is an Entity that has upon and within it all of Physical Life – and much of the Spiritual Realm within its own Etheric body.

I Know that the Human Being, indeed each form of Life, is an incredible composite of Mysteries. The Human Being is composed of a Physical body (shared with all other forms on Earth), an Etheric body (shared with plants and animals), an Astral body (shared with the animals), and, uniquely, an “I”. It is the I that differentiates us from all other forms. It is the I that comprises the Who and What We Are. The I is our Higher Self. I Know that this physical body, nor our thoughts, are the real “me.” The real Me is My I. It is the hidden part of ourselves that we (must) strive to bring to Realization WHILE WE ARE IN THE PHYSICAL PLANE. We cannot progress in our upward development in the Spiritual Realm (Above). This is where dwells the Mystical Importance of Maya (Below). We MUST bring these Truths forward in our ken.

I Know much more than I have shared above. However much of this Higher Knowing I have yet to understand.

I Know that our Learning is as endless as we make it out to be. We can “graduate” early due to our deep desire to Know (more and more). Or we can “repeat grades” because in this Life, or the next, or the next, we fail to achieve what it is we are meant to Learn. It is our Choice, our Free Will, that holds the Key to this Truth.

I Know that to ignore or brush aside what I share above will cost (you) dearly. That is not a threat. It is not a warning, per se. It is simply what I Know.

Finally, I Know that I AM Loved. I Know that I Love. I Know that Love is the core of all Existence, including God. Love Never fails. I will not fail.

* To “Know” (capital “K”) has the nature of experience. “Knowing” is an experience on several planes, not (only) an intellectual exercise.