
On the Meaning of Life

Posted on Thursday November 18, 2021    |   Time posted: 12:14 pm    |   By

In our day it has become evident that humankind has cast aside the most important question humanity was ever to ask: what is the meaning of life? (more…)

Litany Against Fear

Posted on Wednesday November 17, 2021    |   Time posted: 12:51 pm    |   By

Dune, Frank Herbert (more…)

Churchgoers: You Have Been Sold (Out)

Posted on Tuesday November 16, 2021    |   Time posted: 8:56 pm    |   By

There was a time when people could look to church leaders for guidance in an evil world – help fighting evil. That time is behind us. The church now stands behind evil, propagandizing evil’s agenda – to destroy the Human Soul. (more…)

Martyrs of the Pandemic

Posted on Tuesday November 16, 2021    |   Time posted: 3:02 pm    |   By

YOU are DOOMED if you DO and WE are DAMNED if we DON’T… figure out what I mean by that… (more…)