Do Not Ignore the Future
X Files Movie
I’ll begin things with a quote from a lecture given by Rudolf Steiner in Dornach, Switzerland in 1919. If you haven’t read any of my other posts about Steiner, I invite you to do so. I get a daily Steiner quote in my inbox every day, provided by The great Rudolf Steiner Quotes Site. This particular quote came at a time when I have been intently studying this subject and felt I could not ignore it’s influence to share it here on my site. The emphasis (bolding) in the quote was added by the owner of the Quotes site. I have preserved it here. Here’s the quote:
The present phase of evolution may be characterised in a general way by saying that all the experiences confronting mankind in the physical world during the earth’s further existence will represent a decline, a retrogression. The time when human progress was made possible through the constant refinement of the physical forces, is already over. In the future, too, mankind will progress, but only through spiritual development, through development on a higher level than that of the processes of the physical plane.
Men who rely entirely on the processes of the physical plane will find in them no source of satisfaction. An indication given in spiritual science a long time ago, in the Lecture-Course on the Apocalypse, namely that we are heading for the “War of All against All”, must from now onwards be grasped in all its significance and gravity; its implications must not remain in the realm of theory but also come to expression in the actions, the whole behaviour of men. The fact that — to use a colloquialism — people in the future are not going to get much fun out of developments on the physical plane, will bring home to them that further evolution must proceed from spiritual forces.
This can be understood only by surveying a lengthy period of evolution and applying what is discovered to experiences that will become more and more general in the future. The trend of forces that will manifest in the well nigh rhythmical onset of war and destruction — processes of which the present catastrophe is but the beginning[1] — will become only too evident. It is childish to believe that anything connected with this war can bring about a permanent era of peace for humanity on the physical plane. That will not be so.
Source: Rudolf Steiner – GA 191 – Lucifer and Ahriman – Man’s Responsibility for the Earth – Lecture III – Bern, 4th November, 1919
[1] the “present catastrophe” Steiner is referring to is World War One.
I want to break down what he is saying here to the best of my knowledge and ability.
The misled Darwin got things wrong in oh so many ways. First off, humans have been humans since the beginning. However, humanity has been evolving – since the beginning. And yes, in both form and function. This evolution has been in many ways physically as we have “hardened” to the Earth as our sense organs have developed – all with the purpose of proving us an education and growth (development) unlike any other created being. Period. “Life”, that is, physical life on Earth, is a school. We are here to learn. We are here to learn to know ourselves, where we’ve come from, where we’re going, and what we need to do to live. This is a spiritual journey. A spiritual school. Period. You have to wrap your head around that to understand either the above or what I say next.
We have peaked in our physical development, our physical form. Those who stake their life and future on some beings from another planet tend to depict such beings with enlarged heads and smaller limbs due to their increased intelligence, even lacking the need for verbal speech, communicating telepathically. It’s no mystery that Truth is woven into imagination, even lies.
Original Star Trek Series: The Cage
As stated above, our physical bodies did go through a (long) period of physical (form) development / evolution. But that development cycle has ended. Our current form requires no further changes to achieve its goal. It is, in a word, perfect. Contrary to current frequencies of belief, the human body knows how to take care of itself when faced with any and all foes, foreign and domestic. However, it is subject to our personal (and corporate for that matter) will. Feed the body shit food and shit performance is what you can (and should) expect. Feed the mind evil thoughts and images and evil is what to expect of yourself. Okay, but what about our intelligence?
The period of the growth of our intellect has ended as well. We have all the “smarts” we need to investigate, interpret, shape, and destroy the Earth and all of its inhabitants. We also now possess the intellect to successfully navigate the current period of growth, that of the spiritual. This, however, is wholly dependent on the exercise of our free will – what we choose. You can choose to be knowledgeable about spiritual truths, or you can choose to be ignorant of such things. Nothing can take that from you – but you can give that choice away and let others decide for you. If you can’t see it, I’ll clue you in – your free will is your power.
Let’s talk about the choices humanity has made thus far. In the quote above, Steiner mentions World War One. I am a student of that war in particular as I have done countless hours of research for the book I am writing based on that period of history over many years. It is by far the ugliest, most demonic war human beings have perpetrated not only against each other, but against every form of life on the planet – even the mineral realm. No man’s land in particular presented some of the “richest” horrors of man’s making – ever. Even worse than his acquisition of nuclear and atomic weaponry. The difference is akin to killing another living thing by immediate extinguishing life from it (think Hiroshima), or slowly tearing it apart while it still lives – piece by piece (World War One).
Fallen British soldier left in No Man’s Land
If you think the above (terribly short) description or the image is awful, even evil, it does not compare to what is coming in the War of All Against All. That’s all I will here say about that and leave you to do your own further investigation. Every war that humanity has waged against itself has never resulted in a better humanity. Never. War has always been wholly and completely fruitless. So addicted to war is humanity that we create toys for the young ones to play with that envelope their impressionable minds with the shadows of war, the illusion that it is something fun:
Lego No Man’s Land
As the youth of our families grow a bit older, we provide them with simulations of hunting and killing other human beings – often casts as monsters or one form or another:
Let’s not fool ourselves here. There is no such thing as a pacifist. Not yet. A true pacifist never gets angry – at anything. And please don’t go into the disillusion of a justified “righteous anger.” There is the principle of polarity in life. Anger and murder are simply the same thing only differing in scale (or vibration).
Let’s talk again about the human form. In the near future humanity will evolve/devolve into two distinct races. And please don’t let your emotions rabbit trail onto the lies about “racial” differences. One tires of all the lies propagandized about how different we are from one another based on nationality, religion, creed, culture, or the color of our skin or facial features. I am speaking here of the HUMAN race that will be split into two. There will be those who exercise their free will and choose to adhere to the physical plane (Earth) and openly reject the existence of a spiritual realm in any form, or at least if they do say they believe in such, their actions and choices reveal otherwise. And there will be those who recognize deep within themselves the Truth that everything is spiritual – everything.
Those that become further hardened to the Earth will be easy to spot for the rest of us. You see, our intellect will not further develop, but our “spiritual sense” will. We are now in the age of Cosmic Consciousness – a raising of humanity’s consciousness back to it’s beginning – in a sense. We were, in our early stages, conscious of our connection to the Spiritual realm via a type of instinct, an atavistic clairvoyance. In other words, that connection required no thought on our part, it just “was.” Through the course of our “hardening” into the sense world and the development of our intellect, that connection had to be “phased out” as something instinctually clairvoyant. With the gift of free will and intellect we now must choose to gain that connection back. Only this time we will be very conscious of the connection, it will work into and as part of our “schooling” as we continue to evolve. So how will the “un-spiritual” be easy to spot? As we grow and develop, our karmic debt will become an integral part of who – and what – we are; Not only within our personality, but also on the surface. In our countenance we will “wear” our karma. The faces of those who are emboldened in their materiality will bear this anti-spiritual antagonism on their countenance. There will be no mistaking it. There will no longer be hiding “who we really are” from the rest of humanity. THIS will be the REAL race war.
The Shadow Self will be revealed
We can almost see this occurring today. The world is upside down like never before. No rumors of war – war everywhere on every level of human interaction and existence. And it is only going to get worse. As Steiner has said, even 100 years ago, “it has begun.” Sound dismal and hopeless to you? If you think so, it is because maybe you are currently, already, too adhered to the material. The hope is in the choice you make, not whether or not the War of All Against All happens or not, not in whether life is full of pleasure and “feel goods” and whether or not you “get your life back.” Your life is hiding within you. Ultimately, you are NOT your body, not even your material thoughts. But the real you is there, s/he is alive, waiting, wanting, to be set free. What will you choose?