Category: Spiritual

Spiritual Life


Do not!

Posted on Sunday April 10, 2022   |   By

Do not give them what they cannot take. (more…)

Seek & Find

Posted on Monday April 4, 2022   |   By



Posted on Friday April 1, 2022   |   By

It has been some time since I last posted anything here. Much of the reason why is due to some changes in my personal life, but more so due to my embarking on a new path of initiation. (more…)

Piecing Together the Puzzle

Posted on Saturday February 12, 2022   |   By

Over the past 40 years I have gathered, read, and sorted many books, ancient works, recent works, articles, blog posts and the like in my journey through life to find the Truth of who we are, where we have been, and where we are going. Truth is a fine thread that weaves itself through absolutely every fabric of life. It is found, much like puzzle pieces, throughout the world and throughout the ages. It eludes us because we must desire it above all else – often to the sacrifice of everything (else) we hold dear. The journey to find Truth is not found in all of the material I have poured over for so many years. We venture out in search of the puzzle pieces, bringing them together, sorting through them and striving to put them together in some sort of picture we can finally “see.” (more…)