I AmPosted on 06/11/2022  |  By

I am a son, brother, husband, father, grandfather and uncle. I am a man of years, sixty one. Yet, I find I am but a child, for I still have much to learn.

In a set of daily exercises I follow are found the following words:

One can learn from everyone — even from children if one is attentive.

Today I learned a few things from a niece and nephew. I adore these two, as I adore my own children and grandchildren. So, because I shy away from speaking my heart to (anyone) them in the company of others, I wanted to say this to them here…

If you were floating on a blow up raft in a pool on a warm summer day, I would never push you off that raft to wallow in the deep end to find yourself to safety. Nor would I ever challenge you to leave the safety of the raft, floating on the surface, if you were not comfortable with the challenge of the deep end of the pool.

However, I would, and do, encourage you to explore that within you that which keeps you in fear of the deep end; your fear of your innate ability to navigate the waters of life that traverse a far deeper experience than that which the surface, or the raft upon which your float, prevents you from experiencing.

I see in you a kindred soul. I see in you the courage to float outside the box of convention into the deeper waters of who and what you are. I see in you a seeker, I see in you the potential of all of humankind to bring into being what we are all meant to be as God’s creation – His most precious creation.

Go your way. Trust your life, your thoughts, feelings and will, to that of God and you shall NOT be disappointed.

I love you both, as I love my own children and grandchildren.