Category: Spiritual

Spiritual Life


My Promise to Erin

Posted on Thursday June 16, 2022   |   By

To Erin, my beloved. (more…)

Prayers and Exercises

Posted on Thursday June 16, 2022   |   By

I just published this online for my wife. It is meant as a sort of primer to the higher, esoteric spiritual life. I share it here in the hope that others too may benefit. (more…)

I Am

Posted on Saturday June 11, 2022   |   By

I am a son, brother, husband, father, grandfather and uncle. I am a man of years, sixty one. Yet, I find I am but a child, for I still have much to learn. (more…)

Where and When – Now

Posted on Wednesday June 8, 2022   |   By

Modern science looks at the human being the way a person who is unable to read looks at a page of the Bible i.e. as a sheet of characters that can be described as being grouped in certain ways, each character possessing its own characteristics of straight lines, curved lines and swirls. (more…)