Author: Anthony

Retired Software Engineer, author, Anthroposophist.

Not Seeing Satan

Posted on Thursday July 29, 2021   |   By

Apropos for our time… (more…)

A Living Nightmare

Posted on Thursday July 29, 2021   |   By

We go through life often unaware that we are living a nightmare. It is a nightmare not neccesarily of our own making, but certainly of our acceptance due to our own unbridled desires for satisfaction and titillation of our “five” senses. (more…)

Steiner Quotes

Posted on Tuesday July 27, 2021   |   By

A growing resource of quotes by Rudolf Steiner… (more…)

Steiner on Race

Posted on Tuesday July 27, 2021   |   By

Many attempt to discredit Rudolf Steiner’s Anthroposophy by making unfounded claims that Rudolf Steiner was this or that and therefore he should be thrown out and his teachings with him. Ignorance is my only response. (more…)