What is Truth?Posted on 02/18/2021  |  By

37 Pilate therefore said to Him, “Are You a king then?”

Jesus answered, “You say rightly that I am a king. For this cause I was born, and for this cause I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice.”

38 Pilate said to Him, “What is truth?” And when he had said this, he went out again to the Jews, and said to them, “I find no fault in Him at all…”

John 18:37-38

The ability of finding any truth or meaning to life has escaped modern man. There seems to to be an inability to conceive of something outside of one’s self in today’s society. People believe an array of things today. But belief will not create fact. Truth is independent of belief. No matter how hard I may try, believing something will not make it true.

I don’t think anyone would disagree with me when I say we are living in a time of great change. There are things happening that defy rational thought. On the other hand, if one looks behind the proverbial green curtain, one might begin to understand a few truths about this change.

I am no scholar. Nor am I a professional in any particular field. I am simply a person who has spent the majority of his adult life searching for Truth and, after having found It, have spent the last four years diving ever deeper into it’s well. What I share here is not what I believe, but, rather, what I know to be True. I am quite sure some, possibly, many, will think me mad. To that I can only, will only, quote a very important person from antiquity who, in a very direct and special way, is an important part of my journey.

“A time is coming when men will go mad, and when they see someone who is not mad, they will attack him, saying, ‘You are mad; you are not like us.'”
— St. Antony the Great

Amid the lies, propaganda and threats being leveled against humanity the world over today, I find myself asking ever more frequently — “What can one do?” It is not a question that is easy to answer. However I think there are many answers. It depends on which of these “co-joined” events you feel led to face, but face them we must if we are to survive the current melee.

So what are these two “game-changing” events facing humanity today? The answer to this question, unlike the previous one, is rather simple – to state, not so much to grasp. On the one hand is the out-and-out fraudulent manifestation of a pandemic that in it’s undercurrents seeks to destroy the historical status quo of humanity through outright genocidal depopulation and a maniacal fervency to gain absolute control over every aspect of our existence such as the world has never seen in all of it’s history. In my personal observations “on the street” the general population of this country is either asleep, blind, or so absolutely scared they are behaving like children afraid of the monsters under their beds. I feel strongly that for the most part, the latter is the case — because there are not, nor were there ever, any monsters. They believe the monster is an invisible virus that, yes, affects the respiratory system of the immune compromised but is nowhere near the threat it is touted to be by the established propaganda machine they call news. But let me be very clear here: In TRUTH, the monsters are the very governments – at all levels, and especially those above them that for so long have manipulated and steered humanity through wars, famine, genocide, deforestation, pollution and a list of other offenses a mile long. If you cannot see this truth, you need to wake up from your sleep and defeat the fears that blind you. If these words anger you, you are already lost to the evil and there is little hope for you. It is you I pity.

And the second event facing humanity? This, believe it or not, is much more complicated to articulate. In short, it is the fact – the truth – that what is happening with and to humanity for a long, long time is spiritual warfare. It is a war for the very soul of every human being. The worst of it? Event number one above is evidence that humanity is losing this war. We have cast away any TRUE conception of God, let alone the fact that every single one of us is a sovereign, individual, spiritual being. If you remember what I wrote in the first few paragraphs above, you must understand – this is not a lack of belief in something, or someone, or a church, or “something higher than myself”. No, the FACT that you, and me, and everyone around us, is a sovereign, individual, spiritual being. This is an absolute Truth. It is the highest Truth that you will ever have to face. Whether you choose to face it – and deal with what it means – does not negate in any way or to any degree it’s absolute validity.

Two events. Two wars. One against your physical being. The other against your Spirit, your Soul. Now, back to the question – “What can one do?” I don’t have all the answers. Lord knows I struggle every single moment of every single day trying to figure out some sort of answer, however flimsy, to this question. What I do know, however, is that in both cases the answer lies deep within each one of us. This is about thinking for yourself. It is about not being afraid to strip away the fairy tale façade of your existence and face the brutal Truth about life, about the world today, and especially about yourself. To this end, this is the goal of this website – simply to inform, to share what I have learned and continue to learn; About covid19, about the enormous conspiracy seeking to destroy the world of our ancestors – the world as we know it, about who we are as a singular people, about what we mean to the entire schema of Eternity and what our part is in one of the most amazing Truths you will ever hear.

I don’t like to wax romantic. I tire of ego-stroking, feel good colloquialisms that insult the reality of life. Without wanting in any way, shape, or form to sound as such, I want to say this at the outset – you, me, ALL OF HUMANITY – is special. We are FREE, sovereign human beings. These are Truths that cannot be taken, denied, eroded or ignored by anyone who seeks to convince you otherwise. The only threat to this Truth seeing the light of day in your heart and life, is if you give it away. I implore all of humanity that is beginning to wake up – Please, Please, DO NOT GIVE UP YOUR FREEDOM AS A SOVEREIGN INDIVIDUAL! It is all we have, but it is all we need to put all of humanity back on track toward it’s True purpose.

Speaking of Rudolf Steiner in his many lectures given in the early 20th century, Terry Boardman shares:

Again and again in these lectures, he emphasised the importance of the search for truth. He began with the question that was in everyone’s minds at that time of the First World War: “what can I do in this crisis?” – and answered simply and directly: “Endeavour to understand! See through things!” Thoughts, he said, are forces and have effects. What people think is far more important than what they do, because thoughts become deeds in the course of time. We live today on the thoughts of past times; these thoughts are fulfilled in the deeds of today. Clear and proper understanding of what is going on is the only way – “Nothing else is of any use”. We need wide-awake vigilance and discrimination in all things.

Steiner showed how it is vital to combine the correct thought with the object, to find the concept that truly corresponds to the percept. Nothing is better for a person, he said, than real insight into how things work in the world. The truth can never be as damaging as an untruth and to adhere to the truth is a solemn and holy act of worship. Have courage for truth, he urged; stand on the foundation of truth, even if it is harmful or embarrassing. It is essential “to develop the will to see things, to see how human beings are manipulated, to see where there might be impulses by which people are manipulated. This is the same as striving for the sense for truth. … One who possesses the sense for truth is one who unremittingly strives to find the truth of the matter, one who never ceases to seek the truth and who takes responsibility for himself even when he says something untrue out of ignorance.”

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