What is it about Now?Posted on 10/01/2021  |  By

What is it about now that has me in such a good, loving mood?

I mean – really – the freakin’ world is seemingly falling apart right before the eyes of anyone with any moral and ethical sense. For those who know even a little bit of history, it is pretty damn obvious the Nazis really won WW2. Maybe not in name, but certainly in ideology and tactics (everyone ‘else’ is an inconsequential parasite and therefore stomping on them and crushing them by any means is justified). So why in the “hell” am I jubilant at the moment?

No, I’m not high or drunk. It’s simply that I have been chatting with a dear friend who lives over 4 hours away that shares a deep mutual trust for one another and, therefore, a deep (divine) love for one another. It is a connection that is most certainly Divine in origin and has a strength of bond that is unbreakable. I will be seeing them face-to-face in less than a week after over a year of separation. Simply – I feel blessed.

But what of our “situation?” What the frick is this all about? Let me lay it out this way: Knowledge, like a sharp knife, is power – but only if you know how to use it. The knowledge that is rolling around in my head at the moment? As a start, it’s an understanding that humanity is currently experiencing the 5th Post-Atlantean epoch. If you don’t know what that is, ask me – or search this site – or simply plop that term in a search engine (not G00gl3) along with the name “Steiner.” Seek and you shall find. So what exactly does being in the “5th Post-Atlantean epoch” mean?

We are currently living in the fifth Aryan or Postatlantean epoch that follows the Polarian, Hyperborean, Lemurian and Atlantean epochs. It consists of seven cultural ages, we are current in the fifth cultural age.

The fifth epoch is the lowest point of Man’s physical descent, and represents a turning point in Man’s consciousness:

From an atavistic clairvoyance and guidance by the spirits of the third hierarchy – to a free human being, set free from that guidance, and able and expected to consciously develop based on free will.

The main event of this epoch is the Mystery of Golgotha which is central to the evolution of mankind and Earth.

The main developmental goal for Mankind in this epoch is the development of the spirit-self, and within that tasks and challenges for the various cultural ages:

  • fourth cultural age: birth & death, realize that through the Christ something carries us across death
  • current fifth cultural age: come to grips with the problem of evil
  • sixth cultural age: continuous contemplation of the spiritual

Source: Free Man Creator

Look again at that second bullet point above: “current fifth cultural age: come to grips with the problem of evil.” Did you catch that??

We are living in the time – slated by Cosmic Law – to “come to grips” with, what? The PROBLEM of evil! Now, it is important to understand – Cosmic Law is immutable – it cannot be altered. That being reality, it is OUR task in OUR time to “come to grips” with evil. Whether or not human beings defeat (“come to grips” with) evil is not part of the Cosmic Equation – it shall be conquered. The key point I’m striving to make is that it is OUR task to accomplish that!

“Have  you not heard? Has it not been told to you from the beginning?”

YOU, ME, US! We are the victors over evil – but only IF we accept the responsibility! Once accepted, victory is forthcoming. Will it cost us our cherished lifestyle? Maybe. Will it cost us those we love? Maybe. Will it cost us our own lives? Maybe. But let me ask you: Do you understand the Truth and Reality of Reincarnation and Karma? If you do, these questions should not matter (so much – because of course they matter).

Look at it another way – the enemy (currently: governments, the WH0, etc. etc.) i.e. evil – is touting “get the sh@t for the sake of others!” This is simply nothing more than using Truth in a lie: There is honor in the sacrifice of the one for the many. However, one must understand on what ground they stand: the ground of Honor, or the ground of Unjust Evil Intent? Regardless of where you are on the playing field of humanity’s future right now, you have the power to choose. Choose wisely! You will not have another time for another choice. Why? Because – this is the Age in which the future of mankind is being decided – RIGHT NOW, RIGHT HERE!

I am in a height of elation right now because I “feel” the love of those I love. They represent to me all of humanity in all it’s potentiality. And for that alone – I love you all!

Godspeed my beloved.
