What have we become?
Once touted as the leader of the free world, we are now the leader of the debauchery-enslaved world. We once respected hard work, a concentrated focus on teaching our children morality and ethics. Now we teach them to admire and celebrate mentally ill, confused and militarized men in women’s garb – celebrate them to the point where we push them to destroy their biological physical bodies as a cure for a made up illness we call “confusion.”
There is a threat looming over all of our heads; a threat so prevalent, so obvious that the fear that has been injected into the soul of humanity over the past several years hides its very existence. There are forces that are actively working to pull humanity down, rather than to pull it up. These demonic influences are working in the world amongst us, they are not vague ghostly effects but societal realities. In the past they hid behind facades of run-of-the-mill “normalcy” but laugh at all that is right, moral and free as they strut around in the emperor’s clothes demanding we follow in their train. That train is headed for a brick wall of such density that there will be no survivors once the train hits the wall. There are no brakes on the train, so how is it stopped? It must be derailed. If that is achieved, many indeed will suffer, many lives will end. However look around you, listen to the increased frequency of sirens screaming down city streets, blaring the obvious – another one bites the dust. The genocide of humanity has begun, many are falling fast. So were do we begin to heal this gaping wound that sucks down our children into the abyss of a hellish future?
One word: sacrifice.
Here is the verb definition of that word:
to suffer loss of, give up, renounce, injure, or destroy especially for an ideal, belief, or end
We must accept that we must suffer loss – if we are to gain back what is truly human about us.
We must give up much of what we deem important to our personal well-being.
We must renounce authority except that which streams down to us from higher realms of our origins.
We must injure the locusts among us by simply calling them out for what they are.
We must destroy the architecture and infrastructure of all that has built our prison of self-focus and egoism.
We must regain, recapture, welcome back the realm of faith as the authority in our lives – not bowing to the authority of the old church, or cult or, what seems more prevalent today, Satan’s minions.
There is no road “back.” Humanity will, in time, be thrown back into what is often characterized as “caveman days.” This is inevitable. Two thirds of humanity will be wiped away, only a third will continue forward. Now begins the separating of wheat from chaff.
Do not be sucked into the delusion that God will swoop down and wipe away all that is evil. These are misinterpretations of the sacred Word. Each of us harbors evil within – this much should be painfully obvious in our day. It begins with the destruction of evil within ourselves: Our thinking, our thought-life must be taken control of; we must take control of feelings that lead us either to a blissful ignorance or utter despair or violence; we must Will ourselves into the Light and become beacons on a hill, no longer hidden beneath a basket.
For a start, read Light on the Path by Mabel Collins. Read it meditatively, without prejudice or pre-conceived notions. I challenge you to become what this world needs now – Light. For a “moment” in your life, reflect inward and honestly – earnestly – try to understand yourself, try to work on yourself. No man, no woman, is an island. Every thought, feeling and action affect not only the world around us, but all of humanity – past, present and especially future.
So, I ask you – what will you do?
Want to learn more about our world and where it’s headed?
The Eighth Sphere
Read: The Eighth Sphere