Let me preface this by saying that I put little to no stock in astrology until 2011, when I met a Vedic astrologer who was so eerily accurate in his forecasts of my personal and professional life that it literally made the hair on the back of my neck stand on end.
In spring 2011, this astrologer told me that everyone was worried about the Dec 21, 2012 date on the Mayan calendar, but that it would actually be quite uneventful.
The real fireworks, he said, would begin in 2021 —and continue for several years. We all know what happened next.
I post the information below because it’s a nice summary of what we could expect in the near-to-midterm in the U.S. If you’re feeling discouraged now, please don’t give up hope. The forces that have controlled and enslaved humanity for eons know that this is their final gambit—their Hail Mary, so to speak. And they are going out swinging.
There will surely be casualties in this war. Stay strong in mind and spirit, don’t dwell in fear, and always remember that we are spiritual beings having a physical experience on this plane. We are here now to witness one of the greatest events in human history: the Awakening.
Don’t be afraid; be honored.
What is Actually Happening
It is said that millionaires don’t believe in astrology, billionaires do.
Whether you believe in something or not doesn’t make it true, and read the following with the assumption that astrology actually is very, very real.
The United States is about to have its very first Pluto return.
The orbit of Pluto takes 250 years, and the return is when it comes back around to a specific place. For the United States Pluto will be hitting the exact degree it was when it was born in 1776 on February 22, 2022. This means all energies present then, are back.
Pluto returns often make or break countries (the last one Rome had ended Rome) and this one is in the sign of Capricorn, in the second house.
Capricorn deals with authorities, and governing bodies. The second house is finance and money. Basically Pluto is coming back around to check on our government structure through the lens of money.
Pluto first entered the sign in 2008, and began the financial collapse. The return happens when it reaches near the end of Capricorn, which is expected to cause huge, monumental change.
The way the energies work is to expect a complete reveal and expose of the governing bodies, especially with how money is handled.
Given the elites already use and know astrology, they anticipated this time and came up with Agenda 2021. They wanted to try and control the energies and implement the great reset acting on these energies.
The thing with Pluto is, is that it defends the underdog, and it is why everything they do for more control just keeps blowing up in their face.
Expect the next few months to have tremendous change in the US that extends to the whole world, a lot of things revealed, and ultimately in the end a much better and more balanced society as Pluto heads into Aquarius.
Do note that after 2/22, it hits again in July 2022, December 2022, and for a last time in 2023.
If you want to know more of what Monica has to say, visit her website.