Too Much Too SoonPosted on 05/13/2024  |  By

My earthly father loved me dearly. I know this because whenever I had a need and was too weak to struggle through with my responsibility – even as a young adult – to figure things out myself, Dad was there. He solved so many mysteries of life for me out of a deep devotion and love for his son. But in so doing, he inadvertently weakened me and, much to my chagrin and personal loss, I lost him and was thereafter set upon the path of life alone, forced to from that point on figure things out for myself.

Evolution moves forward on a parabolic curve and is subject to Divine rule, Divine Law, which patterns the timing of events along that curve. Such timing can, and does at times, become affected by external forces that are an effect of Cosmic freedom. We, as human beings, are, by Divine design, far more free than the beings, the gods, that have created us. In such vast freedom we have an innate tendency to go astray – without understanding we are doing so.

The result of this propensity to go astray in our freedom, even with good intent and assumed understanding, is the Divine plan, the Divine timing of events i.e. the timing of what we are to learn and at what stage of evolution. Paul said this plainly to the Corinthians:

And I, brethren, could not speak to you as to spiritual men, but as to men of flesh, as to infants in Christ. I gave you milk to drink, not solid food; for you were not yet able to receive it. Indeed, even now you are not yet able, for you are still fleshly.

Recognizing these things, I posit that Rudolf Steiner so loved humanity that he was becoming pressured by that love to reveal too much too soon to humanity i.e. it was his karma that required of him a “shortened” life.

Let that sink in. It is only an impression of my own. However, it is understood that Dr. Steiner gave to us the means to unlock many Mysteries of the Christ and, without such keys, we would still be lost. Though like a father he may have wished to continue revealing more and more Mysteries to us, for us, it is our karma, our destiny, to have to wrestle with such Mysteries ourselves. Only through such striving can we become what is meant for us by Divine Design. In our freedom we must resolve to strive after the Higher in the sacrifice of the lower.