To the Skeptic
You want the knowing without the longing.
It is not possible to describe color to a man born blind.
One must have the organ of sight to even begin to conceive of the world of color.
Longing is the nourishment necessary to bring life to the seed of knowing.
Longing awakens within the human being the organ that brings to his soul the beginnings of understanding that which is not of this world, that which is outside the physical senses.
Proof of the supersensible begins with the inward watering of longing – such “proof” is found only through personal inner experience whereby the organ of “supersensible sight” is given the nourishment of knowledge watered by such longing and cherished by the inner person.
This is the life of the seeker.
And no other shall ever reach the realm of understanding the true, hidden nature of what it means to be a human being.
The seeker, once having grasped even the minutest understanding of such knowing are as sure of their possession as people with normal eyes feel sure of their ability to visualize color. It is then one realizes that “proof” is a concept sought for in vain in the pursuit of supersensible realities.
The feeling for truth and the power of understanding the truth are inherent in everyone.
And once a person embarks down the path of a seeker, one slowly becomes aware that the more he seeks and longs for the truth, the truth begins to seek the seeker. For what is behind spiritual truths are not mere concepts, ideas and ideals, but an entire world of beings that long for us to the degree we long for them.
The father did not wait for the prodigal son to come to him, he ran forward to greet his son, returning from the world of vain pursuits.
To seek an understanding of the supersensible world is not a vain pursuit, but one that answers the questions each of us harbor deep within ourselves. And the answers given are those which lead us to a fuller understanding of ourselves – where we come from, where we are going, and what we need to do to live as true human beings.