The Time is NowPosted on 12/13/2021  |  By

From where shall come the healing necessary for our time? Over long stretches of time humanity gradually found its way downward, sinking deeply into the mire of materialism. We became separated from the spiritual heights, which are our true roots, as spiritual beings on a human journey. Having lost touch with our roots we became independent from our spiritual fathers and mothers and had to find our way alone as we groped in the darkness for meaning. But we became weak. We became blind, having lost the Light along our path. In the darkness was borne fear. In our fear and groping we looked beyond, outside ourselves for the answers. But answers were not provided, replaced by delights and distractions that caused us to forget that we are spiritual beings.

We have been lied to. Our fear darkened the faculties we possess to find our way out of the darkness. We have been told to trust forces external to our personal sovereignty for the Light necessary to show us the way forward. But again more lies and deception have led us farther astray, farther from our homeland and the country of our forefathers. We have become deluded by our own ignorance to seek guidance from without when all along we have possessed the power to find our way on our own.

The Light required to dispel the darkness is, and has always been, within. The answers and the meaning of life are alive within each of our souls this very moment. It has always been this way. We lost our connection to our spiritual roots so that we could become free and independent beings. But through our delusions we became addicted to the lure of material things and became convinced that we too are only material beings. This has been the biggest lie of all.

The warm rays of the sun, the currents of the air, the ripples across the water and Mother Earth beneath our feet beckon us come home. The Light upon our path lies dormant within our heart. We need only express in humble sincerity the desire to know ourselves once again – to know truly where we come from, where it really is we are meant to go, and what we need to do to truly live.

To live once again as spiritual beings, having gained our independence and to now choose freely to live once again in spiritual heights. This is our true destiny.

You (the Spiritually aware and awake) are now only a small movement and few in numbers, but if you carry the awareness within you that you are working with Truth, then you will simply say to yourself: with spiritual movements it does not depend on how great they are in number but how strong their inner strengths are. This will be active when you have a strong awareness of what it is that is being carried. This is exactly what you must have: a strong consciousness for Truth and not allowing it to de-motivate you because in fact the truth is most detested. If you wish to spread some secular falsehood, then people will have no fear of it. Precisely when you want to spread the truth people sense your intention and there will be the strongest opposition you can find.

~Rudolf Steiner

Please look inside and find yourself. Time is running out. The time to awaken is now…