Tag: Thoughts

No Love, No Truth. No Truth, No Love

Posted on Friday November 11, 2022   |   By

There are only two things that ultimately matter in life: Love and Truth. (more…)

Blindness and Intoxication

Posted on Friday October 7, 2022   |   By

The following quotes are from two lectures given by Rudolf Steiner in February and March of 1917 in Berlin. (more…)

Blind Man’s Soliloquy

Posted on Thursday September 2, 2021   |   By

From The Cauldron, No. 1 (more…)

What I Know

Posted on Saturday May 22, 2021   |   By

My 60th birthday was a few days ago. It marked the beginning of a more focused life for me via a commitment I made to myself. To quote St. Paul, that commitment is: “When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.” [1 Corinthians 13:11]. (more…)