Tag: Steiner

Be Not Deceived

Posted on Tuesday March 30, 2021   |   By

The human being can deceive himself. (more…)


Posted on Monday March 29, 2021   |   By

It’s about time to spill the beans on what is “really” going on “in the world”. The reality is all of the crap that is happening in our increasingly tyrannical “small world after all” is the work of certain suprasensible (supra: transcending) beings. This video brings a bit of light on this reality. It’s time for you to wake up people. Look no longer horizontal, but shed the scales from your eyes and try looking upward by looking within. It just might save your soul. (more…)

The Foundation of Morality

Posted on Friday March 5, 2021   |   By

This is an excerpt from a lecture given by Rudolf Steiner in Berlin on November 5, 1912 titled Between Death and Rebirth. The most endearing of Steiner’s lectures (to this individual anyway) are those where he speaks of Spiritual knowledge and practice where it applies to human relationships i.e. loving one another. (more…)

Life and Death

Posted on Sunday February 28, 2021   |   By

My wife requested I write a post to help explain the fourfold human being and the “process” of what happens in death according to the teachings of both Anthroposophy and Rosicrucianism. I am no expert on these matters, certainly. This is my understanding of a topic fraught with fear, confusion and misunderstanding. What I share here is, more than anything, direct quotes from various sources. Because I view this subject as extremely serious, it is meant to, perhaps, help the reader to gain some relief in knowing there need not be a fear of death. And, though this material might appear confusing, it is my sincere hope it is not misunderstood. (more…)