Tag: Steiner
Rudolf Steiner: Dweller on the Threshold
Reprinted with permission from New Dawn Magazine. I read this article some time ago, then lost it when I wanted to quote from it in a recent post. After reading it again, however, I felt it is the best overview of Steiner’s life that I wanted to reprint it in it’s entirety. (more…)
The Spiritual Battle Between Humans and Machine
This a repost from a post on the State of the Nation website from March 21, 2021. This is one of the most important subjects of our time. The human Spirit has been under attack for generations and is now on the cusp of being completely annihilated – by design and by our letting go of our Self (Spiritual) Identity. This article explains what must be understood in our time. And time is running out. (more…)
Daily Exercises
I previously posted eight posts on this subject i.e. Rudolf Steiner’s Days of the Week Exercises. I thought for some it might be easier if all of the exercises were in one single post. The following is reposted verbatim from the Rudolf Steiner Archive website. Once you develop a routine for the exercises here, you can expand on your development by adopting practices as outlines on the Rudolf Steiner Anthroposophy website. (more…)
Why I No Longer Attend
I confess, I have not been to Liturgy (I am an Eastern Orthodox Christian) for, well, too long. Suffice it to say, my wife and I had some unfortunate experiences in the church, which wound up pushing us away. In spite of these experiences, we remain in our hearts true to our baptism, but perhaps not so much to the church. (more…)