Tag: Steiner

Eat! – Drink! – Be Merry!

Posted on Monday June 14, 2021   |   By

The trek from the monastery to the village was a long one. The sun had risen immediately overhead, it’s heat bearing down on the two travelers. The pair was composed of the elder monk Aaron and novice Micah. Not far up ahead was a lone tree. “There is a small spring at the base of that tree. We will stop for a rest,” the old man announced. (more…)

Do Not Ignore the Future

Posted on Tuesday June 1, 2021   |   By

The popular TV show The Xfiles carried with it the subtitle “Fight the Future.” I’m not going to extrapolate on what the show meant by that, but at face value I take it to mean that the future is “bad” if we don’t fight for it. While in the physical sense one should always stand for what is right and pure – and be willing and able to fight for it if necessary – but in another sense there is no fighting the future of mankind. What we are headed for, what has already begun, is going to happen, like it or not, fight it or not. Humanity’s fate is sealed, however we write our own destiny, both as individuals and as a race. I’ve already written on the difference between those two terms, so I’ll leave it to you to investigate further. So what is the fateful future of humanity? Here’s a quick view. (more…)

Bee Yourself & Bee Part of the All

Posted on Monday May 10, 2021   |   By

Reposted from The great Rudolf Steiner Quotes Site.

It is very important to study a beehive. The single bee is stupid; it has instincts, but it is stupid by itself. The beehive as a whole, however, is exceedingly wise. (more…)

Rudolf Steiner: Dweller on the Threshold

Posted on Monday May 10, 2021   |   By

Reprinted with permission from New Dawn Magazine. I read this article some time ago, then lost it when I wanted to quote from it in a recent post. After reading it again, however, I felt it is the best overview of Steiner’s life that I wanted to reprint it in it’s entirety. (more…)