Tag: Spiritual

My Life Today

Posted on Tuesday August 8, 2023   |   By

My karma prevents me from becoming clairvoyant in this incarnation, (more…)

No Box Big Enough

Posted on Wednesday August 2, 2023   |   By

Christianity does not exist in a cardboard box. (more…)


Posted on Tuesday August 1, 2023   |   By

I was compelled to add this after my last post/rant…. (more…)

Slave or Master – the Choice is Yours

Posted on Sunday March 26, 2023   |   By

We have been so trained over the past 3 generations to live dependent on “convenience.” We now expect other people to take care of the difficult things in life so we can be “free” to do what we want i.e. “enjoy” bread and circuses. (more…)