Tag: Spiritual

On the Meaning of Life

Posted on Thursday November 18, 2021   |   By

In our day it has become evident that humankind has cast aside the most important question humanity was ever to ask: what is the meaning of life? (more…)

Litany Against Fear

Posted on Wednesday November 17, 2021   |   By

Dune, Frank Herbert (more…)

Churchgoers: You Have Been Sold (Out)

Posted on Tuesday November 16, 2021   |   By

There was a time when people could look to church leaders for guidance in an evil world – help fighting evil. That time is behind us. The church now stands behind evil, propagandizing evil’s agenda – to destroy the Human Soul. (more…)

What Have We Lost?

Posted on Saturday October 30, 2021   |   By

What have we lost? We have lost the will to fight. We have lost the intelligence to see through the veil of evil that has descended upon all of humanity. We have lost ourselves and now stand poised to lose our souls. (more…)