Tag: self mastery

Churchgoers: You Have Been Sold (Out)

Posted on Tuesday November 16, 2021   |   By

There was a time when people could look to church leaders for guidance in an evil world – help fighting evil. That time is behind us. The church now stands behind evil, propagandizing evil’s agenda – to destroy the Human Soul. (more…)

The Demons Among Us

Posted on Thursday October 28, 2021   |   By

There are beings in the spiritual realms for whom anxiety and fear emanating from human beings offer welcome food. (more…)

Where is Freedom of Thought

Posted on Saturday October 9, 2021   |   By

Freedom OF thought – not freedom FROM thought. In our current world it seems that so many – that is, MOST – people desire to a fault freedom from having to think for themselves. They follow the direction of others, particularly so-called “authority.” Even worse is the rampant psychological disease of having to be accepted by others, to follow like lemmings wherever others are flowing – even to ultimate demise over a cliff… (more…)

Christian Initiation

Posted on Tuesday September 28, 2021   |   By

The following is excerpted from the book, Inner Christianity. This is one of the first books I ever read on the subject of Esoteric Christianity – even before I found Rudolf Steiner. Recommended reading as an introduction to Esotericism. (more…)