Tag: Nature

Tomorrow of Tomorrow

Posted on Friday April 2, 2021   |   By

Today is yesterday’s tomorrow. What will the tomorrow of tomorrow hold for us? (more…)

Amazing Trees

Posted on Monday February 22, 2021   |   By

What secrets the leaves of the trees must hold. They look down upon the ages of mankind and record his deeds both good and evil. What exactly is the life that is held within the branches of the Tree of Life?

The Tree of Life; Its existence is lauded along the thread that binds all True Religion together, which decry the brotherhood of humanity to all who will listen. It is the “plant of birth” in Mesopotamian mythology, the Gaokerena tree of Persian and Zoroastrian legend, the Bodhi tree in Buddhism, in Taoist tradition the tree that produces a peach of immortality every 3000 years, in Christianity it is the Tree of (eternal) Life in the Garden, and in Norse religion it appears as Yggdrasil, the world tree. (more…)