Tag: Karma
The Karma of Materialism
1917 was a troubled year for the entire world. (more…)
Reincarnation and Karma
The belief in the pre-existence of souls and reincarnation was prominent in the early Christian Church. However, in the year 553 A.D., 165 Church officials condemned reincarnation. Prior to that time, it had been a fundamental Christian teaching and following that time leads to a trail of conspiracy that changed the world. (more…)
Trials and Tribulations
My wife, Erin, and I are in the most difficult trial of our life. It matters little whether or not I share the specifics of this trial – we are all individualities and our trials are our own, however what we share as human beings is that such trials come at us with the same intensity. (more…)
My Cave
I live in a cave. Alone and isolated. (more…)