Tag: Jesus
In This Day…
…The Scriptures Have Been Fulfilled. Matthew 13 – The parable of the sower and the parable of the wheat and tares. Those with eyes to see and ears to hear will understand we are in those times of which Jesus spoke in these parables. (more…)
The Mosaic of Life
On February 20, 1910 in Düsseldorf, Rudolf Steiner opened a lecture on The Sermon on the Mount and the Return of Christ with the following. Emphasis is mine. (more…)
The Supremacy of Religion
The following is excerpted from the Urantia Book. (Urantia is a name used for Earth in the book) Whatever else the UB teaches, whatever else it claims about God, Creation and the Cosmos (I have not yet read in its entirety all 4750 pages), this, the last “paper” (chapter) of the book (Paper 196) titled “The Faith of Jesus” I found one of the most “heart-endearing” text I have read on the life and teachings of Jesus. (more…)
The Religion of Jesus
The following is excerpted from the Urantia Book. (Urantia is a name used for Earth in the book) Whatever else the UB teaches, whatever else it claims about God, Creation and the Cosmos (I have not yet read in its entirety all 4750 pages), this, the last “paper” (chapter) of the book (Paper 196) titled “The Faith of Jesus” I found one of the most “heart-endearing” text I have read on the life and teachings of Jesus. (more…)