Tag: God
A Prayer
Eternal God, Father of our spirit, enlighten us how to pray rightly unto Thee. (more…)
How Do I Love Thee?
I have been thinking a lot lately about God as Father. As always, I have been led to many sources – Biblical scripture, other spiritual and esoteric sources, the thoughts of others – and have been spending time prayerfully meditating on all of this material to figure out exactly what I want to share from my own heart about this most endearing title we place upon our Creator. Hopefully I can make sense of all the thoughts rattling around in my head as I write them here. (more…)
Where is God?
As we struggle through these evil times, the question “where is God?” is expected, even healthy. It is the spark that can ignite the fire within that leads to the defeat of evil. However, asking the question from a viewpoint and opinion that He has abandoned “us” is foolish, defeatist, and, especially if from a mind of doubt, in my opinion, evil. (more…)