Tag: Faith

Axing My Way to 60

Posted on Saturday May 15, 2021   |   By

I must be honest. Turning “sixty” just feels weird. Twenty one was fun. Thirty was, hmm…. “mature male”, “all growed up.” Forty, a challenge, but acceptable. Fifty, now that was a strange birthday (in terms of the number) but I was in the prime of what would become my final professional position in the tech industry. But sixty??? (more…)

A Brief Study of Origen

Posted on Wednesday April 21, 2021   |   By

Origen of Alexandria (c. 184 – c. 253) was an early Christian scholar, ascetic, and theologian who was born and spent the first half of his career in Alexandria. He was a prolific writer who wrote roughly 2,000 treatises in multiple branches of theology, including textual criticism, biblical exegesis and hermeneutics, homiletics, and spirituality. He was one of the most influential figures in early Christian theology, apologetics, and asceticism. He has been described as “the greatest genius the early church ever produced”. (more…)

In This Day…

Posted on Monday April 5, 2021   |   By

…The Scriptures Have Been Fulfilled. Matthew 13 – The parable of the sower and the parable of the wheat and tares. Those with eyes to see and ears to hear will understand we are in those times of which Jesus spoke in these parables. (more…)

A Prayer

Posted on Tuesday March 23, 2021   |   By

Eternal God, Father of our spirit, enlighten us how to pray rightly unto Thee. (more…)