Tag: Awakening

Become as Children

Posted on Monday January 10, 2022   |   By


Who Do You Think You Are?

Posted on Saturday January 8, 2022   |   By

A tough question. Can we, can you, answer it honestly? Go ahead. I “dare” you. No one is looking. No one knows you are asking yourself this question. It’s not asked in terms of your social or political status or title, neither of which mean anything, at all. Your address, marital status or whether or not you have children doesn’t matter here either. How much you weigh, your skin color, your age – cast all of that aside. Strip yourself down naked – imaginatively or actually, doesn’t matter. Okay, now ask yourself that question again. Finding it difficult? Let me hold up several mirrors in front of you and let’s see if we can find the real you in there somewhere. Prepare yourself. More often than not what we find we do not like… (more…)

Cognosce te Ipsum

Posted on Wednesday December 29, 2021   |   By

Absolute truth does not exist for the worldly, sensual person; it exists only for the inward seeking spiritual individual who possesses a suitable sensorium; (more…)

An iactatus est alea?

Posted on Sunday December 19, 2021   |   By

Has the die been cast? Have we reached the point of no return. It seems we are now destined to cross the Rubicon and enter into civil war… or worse. Alea iacta est. (more…)