Nothing will fundamentally change…
It is about sincere inner work and self-realization. In short: soul embodiment, i.e soul individualization, to “grow” your soul, bringing forth Essence, the true Self [as opposed to the ego-personality you identify with], the psychic being within you – to spiritualize the being and anchor the Divine within via holistic self-work.
This process will affect the “external” world in more powerful ways than just trying to fight the matrix externally—for you are a frequency anchor and a transducer of higher energies. Your Essence/True Self CANNOT be harmed, traumatized, or destroyed. It carries the Light and Will of the Divine—which over-rides our petty egoic desires.
But this is not easy work. It will bring up all kinds of resistance within you and from the world, the hostile forces, and the hive mind of collective slumber where “asleep” humans are being used as portals/“agents” to interfere with your awakening. These are lessons to test your SINCERITY. Don’t get distracted by the shadows on the wall or take anything “personal”.
Moreover, this process will bring up anything you have suppressed: like old wounds, unprocessed traumas, and your shadow from this life and past lives, to be healed, integrated, and transmuted, including any karmic “debt” that is also manifested/held in your soma/body. It’s messy work and includes “conscious suffering” to withstand the temptation of the hostile forces trying to keep you chained to your old [mechanical] animal-self—the fake desire-soul.
This work is only for spiritual warriors who can withstand the backlash and cross the threshold as it’s been symbolized in various ancient esoteric parables. After many, many lifetimes, deaths and rebirths, and repeating soul lessons in the wheel of samsara, the time has come for many of us to embody the spiritual warrior for we chose to be HERE right NOW. It’s an immense opportunity for soul growth.
It’s been called the Great Work throughout the ages for a reason. This work does not imply non-action. On the contrary, only when grounded in Essence and aligned with the Divine as a transducer for Divine Will can there be RIGHT action—which also implies there is a necessity to counter-act and DESTROY the anti-divine forces with LIGHT, i.e. TRUTH [which is not simply intellectual concept but a direct experience of it].
Putting on the armor of God means to act in alignment with the Divine and bring forth Essence via the alchemical inner process of embodiment. This state of being is also your best protection and defense from any “intrusion” or from of occult interference. The more you are living from Essence, the more you naturally vibrate on a higher frequency—which can also protect you from detrimental environmental toxins, like effects of EMF, 5G, and vaccines [even if you had to take them/one]. Your body is the vehicle for “ascension”. That’s why they are targeting it, attempt to modify it, and attempt to merge it with “machine”.
Please note, that I’m not referring to the distorted New Age way of “raising your frequency” of simply thinking positive thoughts, even though I feel that healthy optimism is very much needed during these times and a positive mindset is a contributing factor of health. The process I’m referring to is the “Great Work” of the ages— to awaken to our true nature and become one with God—as becoming a fully embodied Gnostic Being is the only way to “escape” from the matrix via transmutation and soul integration. Obviously, we still have a long way to go on the trajectory of the collective evolution of consciousness, but many souls who have already started to “awaken” over various lifetimes chose to incarnate during this Time of Transition and have seized the opportunity.
It’s important to know that the agenda of the anti-divine occult forces also didn’t just start last year. It’s been the long-range agenda for literally thousands of years, with the end goal being the ultimate “alien invasion” through our own bodies. But know that nothing is lost yet, as bleak and dark as it may look at times. Don’t get into a fear frequency and doom and gloom mindset. Yes, their agenda is evil but it doesn’t mean that they’re able to go through with it to its completion.
There is a lot happening on multi-dimensional levels, and our collective and individual karma is playing itself out as well. So we all have important choices to make on how we handle that karma and we each have a choice to either suppress that process or to consciously engage with this process of evolution that wants to unfold. There are also divine assisting forces helping humanity but most of it happens outside our limited perception and cannot be grasped by our little egoic mind.
However, the Divine will succeed at last, as it always does. The question is: will humanity be able to learn their lessons without having to repeat yet another karmic cycle?
It is important we not look at others nor get trapped in blame externally. It’s too easy to focus on the “negative” these days.
Look into the mirror. Look into your own eyes. Ask yourself, WHO AM I [beyond name, desires, likes, dislikes, and personality], and how SINCERE am I to find out the answer to that question? This question, when asked sincerely, will open doors where there have been no doors before, so that you may find the Truth of your Being—which also includes the remedy and gift you have to offer to the world during these times.
The above is a (partial) repost of an article on the Piercing the Veil of Reality website. I removed internal links so as to remove the temptation to break away from the message. I feel so strongly passionate about what the author, Bernhard Guenther, writes that any attempt on my part to “put it in my own words” would be destructive to it’s message.