Not So Convenient
A repost from the Rudolf Steiner Quote site.
Many believe they may call themselves true Christians, and yet they speak of others — anthroposophical Christians, for instance — as heretics. There is very little true Christian feeling here. The question may perhaps be permitted: “Is it really Christian to think that I may do whatever I like and that Christ came into the world in order to take it all away from me and to forgive my sins, so that I need have nothing more to do with my Karma, with my sins?” I think there is another word more applicable to such a way of thinking than the word “Christian”; perhaps the word “convenient” would be better. “Convenient” it would certainly be if a man had only to repent, and then all the sins he had committed in the world were obliterated from the whole of his later Karma.
The sin is not blotted out from Karma; but it can be blotted out from the Earth-evolution, and this it is that man cannot do because of the human weakness that results from the Luciferic temptation. Christ accomplishes this. With the remission of sins we are saved from the pain of having added an objective debt to the Earth-evolution for all eternity. […]
And he who deeply grasps Christ’s attitude towards sin and debt may speak thus: “Because man in the course of the Earth’s existence could not blot out his guilt for the whole Earth, a Cosmic Being had to descend in order that the Earth’s debt might be discharged.”
Source: Rudolf Steiner – GA 155 – Christ and the Human Soul: Lecture Three – Norrkoping, 15th July, 1914