
What I don’t like

Posted on Saturday September 9, 2023    |   Time posted: 11:47 am    |   By

You ask me what it is about you I do not like. (more…)


Posted on Friday September 8, 2023    |   Time posted: 7:22 am    |   By

Why look beyond the threshold? (more…)

Behind it All

Posted on Thursday September 7, 2023    |   Time posted: 2:04 pm    |   By

It is important in our time to raise our personal awareness to the spiritual world that stands behind the physical world, guiding and directing all things according to Divine Will. (more…)

Abstraction of the State

Posted on Friday September 1, 2023    |   Time posted: 4:09 pm    |   By

You see, fundamentally, all institutions are built on external abstractions. (more…)