
How Do I Love Thee?

Posted on Tuesday February 23, 2021    |   Time posted: 11:24 am    |   By

I have been thinking a lot lately about God as Father. As always, I have been led to many sources – Biblical scripture, other spiritual and esoteric sources, the thoughts of others – and have been spending time prayerfully meditating on all of this material to figure out exactly what I want to share from my own heart about this most endearing title we place upon our Creator. Hopefully I can make sense of all the thoughts rattling around in my head as I write them here. (more…)

A Time of Testing

Posted on Monday February 22, 2021    |   Time posted: 5:47 pm    |   By

Threshing: separating the grains from the chaff. In Biblical times, animals would crush and break the sheaves of the grains on the threshing floor or harvesters with large sticks would break the sheaves apart by beating on the grain. The goal, and end result, would be that grains would be separated from the husks. (more…)

Amazing Trees

Posted on Monday February 22, 2021    |   Time posted: 5:13 pm    |   By

What secrets the leaves of the trees must hold. They look down upon the ages of mankind and record his deeds both good and evil. What exactly is the life that is held within the branches of the Tree of Life?

The Tree of Life; Its existence is lauded along the thread that binds all True Religion together, which decry the brotherhood of humanity to all who will listen. It is the “plant of birth” in Mesopotamian mythology, the Gaokerena tree of Persian and Zoroastrian legend, the Bodhi tree in Buddhism, in Taoist tradition the tree that produces a peach of immortality every 3000 years, in Christianity it is the Tree of (eternal) Life in the Garden, and in Norse religion it appears as Yggdrasil, the world tree. (more…)

The Supremacy of Religion

Posted on Monday February 22, 2021    |   Time posted: 2:03 pm    |   By

The following is excerpted from the Urantia Book. (Urantia is a name used for Earth in the book) Whatever else the UB teaches, whatever else it claims about God, Creation and the Cosmos (I have not yet read in its entirety all 4750 pages), this, the last “paper” (chapter) of the book (Paper 196) titled “The Faith of Jesus” I found one of the most “heart-endearing” text I have read on the life and teachings of Jesus. (more…)