
We Are Headed for War

Posted on Wednesday October 11, 2023    |   Time posted: 7:42 am    |   By

In our time (2023) we are experiencing the birthing pangs of a time unlike any other humanity has experienced before. (more…)

Losing our Tail

Posted on Thursday September 28, 2023    |   Time posted: 9:48 am    |   By

We shall start with a question that seems to have broken many scholars’ heads, and that is the question of the lizard’s tail. (more…)

Love and Sexuality

Posted on Monday September 25, 2023    |   Time posted: 6:56 am    |   By


When Darkness Enshrouds Us

Posted on Saturday September 23, 2023    |   Time posted: 11:25 am    |   By
