
Lord Jesus Christ Have Mercy

Posted on Saturday March 20, 2021    |   Time posted: 4:45 pm    |   By

I am a baptized Russian Orthodox Christian. I first “gave my life to Christ” in the cab of the “straight” truck I drove for Dreyer’s Grand Ice Cream many years ago. Sparing you the details of my spiritual journey, I was eventually led to the Orthodox Christian Church through means that were no less than “Spirit-led”. (more…)

Death and Rebirth – Shadow Work

Posted on Thursday March 18, 2021    |   Time posted: 6:07 pm    |   By

This is a repost of a repost from the Blue Dragon Journal website. Personally, except for those things that bring me inner peace and provide cathartic moments in my day, I will most likely refrain from trying to explain things in the future. I have been finding posts etc. from others far more qualified than I and who say things in a much more precise manner than I. It is their words, like these below, that I will share here on my blog going forward. (more…)

Nothing will fundamentally change…

Posted on Wednesday March 17, 2021    |   Time posted: 5:39 pm    |   By

… if we don’t change and consciously engage in the process of awakening. (more…)


Posted on Tuesday March 9, 2021    |   Time posted: 4:09 pm    |   By

When I attended Liturgy “back in the day”, I went to confession every Sunday before Liturgy began, thus becoming absolved of the sin(s) I committed the previous week and now “worthy” of taking the sacrament of Holy Communion, often called the Eucharist (thanksgiving in Greek). (more…)