
Spiritual Awakening is Sometimes a Long Road

Posted on Friday February 17, 2023    |   Time posted: 7:59 pm    |   By

For the better part of my life, indeed the past 45 years (I am now 62 years old as I write this), I have pondered, even meditated upon, searched for, the spiritual meaning of life. (more…)

My Cave

Posted on Sunday February 5, 2023    |   Time posted: 11:13 am    |   By

I live in a cave. Alone and isolated. (more…)

The River of Life

Posted on Saturday February 4, 2023    |   Time posted: 9:15 pm    |   By


A Sign of the Times

Posted on Tuesday January 17, 2023    |   Time posted: 4:18 pm    |   By
