
Mayhem and Millstones

Posted on Wednesday July 26, 2023    |   Time posted: 9:51 am    |   By

At that hour the disciples came to Jesus and said, “Who then is greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” (more…)

What have we become?

Posted on Wednesday July 5, 2023    |   Time posted: 10:48 am    |   By

I refuse in this short post to degrade my own personal worth by using the trigger-terminologies that now adorn every headline, every propaganda outlet that was once – in part at least – true journalism we now call “news.” (more…)

To the Skeptic

Posted on Sunday April 9, 2023    |   Time posted: 8:47 am    |   By

You want the fruit without the root. (more…)

Slave or Master – the Choice is Yours

Posted on Sunday March 26, 2023    |   Time posted: 8:58 am    |   By

We have been so trained over the past 3 generations to live dependent on “convenience.” We now expect other people to take care of the difficult things in life so we can be “free” to do what we want i.e. “enjoy” bread and circuses. (more…)