Lord Jesus Christ Have MercyPosted on 03/20/2021  |  By

I am a baptized Russian Orthodox Christian. I first “gave my life to Christ” in the cab of the “straight” truck I drove for Dreyer’s Grand Ice Cream many years ago. Sparing you the details of my spiritual journey, I was eventually led to the Orthodox Christian Church through means that were no less than “Spirit-led”.

It did not take long after engaged in priest-led courses for those who desired to join the Orthodox Church (in Catholicism this would be referred to as “catechism”) for me to KNOW that I had found my home. Erin and I were baptized on Lazarus Saturday in or about 2001. It was a decision I was entirely and fully aware of. I had prayed in earnest to know the “Truth” that would set me free and, in the Orthodox Church” God had answered. It is remembered (by others) that on that day that I remarked “I no longer have to rely on my own interpretation of the Bible, for I can trust the Church”. That may not be literal, but the sentiment is accurate. Apparently, I was wrong in the worst of ways.

I do not, in ANY way, doubt nor abolish my conviction in my baptism into the Orthodox Christian Church. It is dear to me. So much so that I continue my prayer rule despite having not attended Liturgy for many years.

Before I “found” the Orthodox faith, I sought out the mystical (read: depth) of the teachings of the Bible in the Protestant Church. Suffice it to say, it is that deep desire that ultimately led me to the Orthodox Church. Since that time, I have studied the depth and breadth of Mystic Teachings, both of stalwart Christianity and ancient texts. What I have found is the Light of Christ weaving a thread throughout. But I digress…

This era of “C*vid” has led to so many lies, and, therefore, the threshing out of so many that claimed to hold the Truth. I am not here to lead others to the FACTS of this insipid lie labeled “c*vid”. I merely want to share the following FROM MY OWN EXPERIENCE.

There was one Sunday, during the sharing of the Eucharist, one mentally challenged youth spit the sacrament on to the floor. Within a moment, a Deacon knelt to the floor and consumed that bit of bread-soaked-in-wine. I was taught that NOTHING can traverse the Holy Sacrament, neither sickness nor other malady of the individual. THIS was the GRACE OF GOD present in the sacrament. THIS is what I was taught by a Priest that I hold personally dear to my heart and love to this day.

Enter C.O.V.I.D.




the Ignorance,

of Discernment

Just a few minutes ago, as I prepare myself for certain prosecution for my crimes against Satan, I wanted to look up, in order to refresh, the words spoken by my namesake, Saint Anthony the Great, in which he is quoted as saying,

“A time is coming when men will go mad, and when they see someone who is not mad, they will attack him, saying, ‘You are mad; you are not like us.'”

The first reference to my search query (on Duckduckgo.com as I no longer use g**gle.com) was from the U.K. Coptic website. To my utter dismay, I found the following on the site updated March 21, 2020:

Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Midlands, United Kingdom

Update to COVID-19 Measures
Dear beloved congregation,

In light of the unprecedented corona virus crisis we are facing, and the statement issued today by His Holiness Pope Tawadros II, and in complying with the government instructions to avoid gatherings in public places, and to be proactive in protecting and safeguarding the well being and lives of people within our communities, it is with a heavy heart that the Diocese announces closure of all affiliated churches, and suspension of all activities with immediate effect.

Liturgies will also be suspended until further notice and with immediate effect.

Disheartened by this, I looked up what the OCA (the diocese to which the church in which I was baptized in belongs) states as their “policy” (and I only include one section entitled “Precautions”):

OCA Archpastoral Synodal Statements and Directives


The majority of measures are supported by common sense and evidence from other,
similar pathogens. However, not all is known about COVID‐19 and some may not
ultimately be found to reduce the risk of transmission. We will not reiterate all the
general risk‐reduction measures, but would also recommend as many of these
measures be implemented as possible to lower risks. The more recommendations that
are combined the lower the risk would be expected to be, and in some cases,
combination would be expected to be synergistic. In addition, we would like to
highlight the following risk‐reducing measures specific to Orthodox services.

Jumping to one of the MANY instructions:


Consider having someone wearing appropriate PPE to take the temperature of
parishioners as they enter the church.

Anyone with a recorded temperature of equal to or greater than 100.3
degrees should be sent home.

Have at least 6 feet of distance between persons not living in the same household.

Help to enforce by considering closing and marking off every other row of
pews, etc.

Encourage people to sit/stand as far apart as possible (use colored tape to
designate sitting positions in the pews).

Wear cloth face coverings / masks unless there is a contraindication (e.g.,
claustrophobia, breathing issue, communication difficulty, or very young age) when
physical distancing may not be possible, e.g., entering / exiting the building,
queuing for Communion, receipt of antidoron, etc. Consider suggesting cloth face
coverings / masks at all times as tolerated when in enclosed spaces.

Modify the methods used to receive financial contributions.

Consider a stationary collection box or electronic methods of collection as the
main means of regular financial contributions instead of shared collection
trays or baskets.

With regard to the collections, even if they are stationary, those who will
count the currency are strongly encouraged to wear masks and gloves while
performing their duty.

Discourage interpersonal physical contact (e.g., shaking hands, hugging, or kissing).

I must say, I DO NOT UNDERSTAND. My only understanding comes from what I perceive as the Holy Spirit enlightening me…

Let me take a minute on that last note. Long before I entered ANY CHURCH of ANY DENOMINATION, I cloistered myself in the bedroom of our apartment and studied the Bible. Before each study session, I prayed like I had never prayed before, for God to reveal His Truth to me. Since that time, He has been FAITHFUL to that request…

How can a Church, that teaches that NOTHING can pass the Eucharist, ORDER it’s FAITHFUL congregation, in the same vein, order that the government’s “mandates” be followed “for the good”???

I call back to remembrance the teachings of Origen, who taught, during his time, the pre-existence of souls, which alludes to the fact of Reincarnation,  and was – many years AFTER HIS DEATH claimed anathema.  Reincarnation was ACCEPTED as part of humanity’s existence on Earth! But for, what is supposed, political (read: “control”) reasons, it was REMOVED from the teachings of the Church.

I therefore ask,  WHY IS THE CHURCH FOLLOWING THE DIRECTIVES OF GOVERNMENT during this “c*vid” “pandemic”???

Going forward, I will hold onto my baptism as an ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN. I WILL NOT back down from that confession. It may cost me “this life”, but I am ready by the GRACE OF GOD to accept my fate.

My purpose here is to challenge the Orthodox Church as a whole. My question is this: “Whom do you serve??” It is time to decide. We are at the cusp of a new age of humanity. Where will you stand??