Living and Dying in the Limelight
This morning I happened upon an article from back in 2015 about the resurgence of the subject of Flat Earth Theory. The article was not aiming to convince one of a Flat vs. Spherical Earth (usually it is referred to as “round” but flat = round too, so I went with the literal). The author’s aim was to convince the reader to, in my own words, THINK FOR YOURSELF. This is the goal of so many that, in today’s totalitarian crisis, are trying desperately to get others to do – like me and the purpose of this website. I’m not here to convince you of either side of any of the (many, twisted) issues in our backward-modern world. But I would like to convince my readers (indeed, if, in fact I have any readers) that it is OK to think for oneself.
As an exercise toward my desired goal stated above, let’s look at “flat” vs. “sphere”. The article presents semi-compelling arguments for both sides of the issue, which I found interesting. I won’t go into them here, so if you want to know them you’ll have to read the article yourself. Go ahead. I’ll wait ’til you get back…
Welcome back. Interesting, eh? Though I don’t share the arguments for and against here, I do want to cite the final portion of the article, which I quote here:
As David Icke, the late Michael Talbot (who wrote The Holographic Universe), some Western scientists and many others have said, the world is a giant hologram, that looks, feels, smells, tastes and seems like something solid, but is actually mostly empty space made from energy vibrating at a slow rate. We live in a giant version of the Holodeck on Star Trek. Quantum physics has shown us that the atom can appear as a particle (matter) or a wave (energy) and displays characteristics of both simultaneously. The wave is all possibility until it “collapses” (due to our observation and intent) into a particle and solidifies.
Is it possible that flat earth people are looking at the “wave” aspect of the atom rather than the “particle” aspect? Could the Earth be flat on an unlimited plane, until it collapses into particle form and becomes a sphere?
Hologram: a three-dimensional image reproduced from a pattern of interference produced by a split coherent beam of radiation.
Store that view in your brain for a few. Before I get back to it, Let’s look at a couple of the Principles of Hermetics. The seven principles actually, when presented together, follow a pattern as they somewhat build upon one another. However, the two I’m going to refer to here I present out of order which shouldn’t matter for our (my) purposes. The first is the principle of Polarity:
4. The Principle of Polarity:
Everything is dual; Everything has poles; Everything has its pair of opposites; Like and unlike are the same; Opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; Extremes meet; All truths, are but half-truths; All paradoxes may be reconciled.
The most common illustration of this principle is that of hot and cold e.g. at what temperature does “hot” become “cold” or vice-versa? It is argued that they are the same thing, only varying degrees of that “same thing”. Now I want to turn to Rudolf Steiner and share a small quote on what he had to say about “arguments of equal validity.”
One group will prove one thing, another its exact opposite, and as both proofs can be shown to be equally logical, hatred and bitterness — of which there is more than enough in the world — will be intensified.
In regard, then, to “flat” vs. “sphere”, I find both are of equal validity. Like the Principle of Polarity, these are obviously at supposedly opposite ends of the “argument.” But are they? Or let’s first ask – according to this principle are they the same i.e. identical? Let’s take another look at that quote from the original article I cite:
Could the Earth be flat on an unlimited plane, until it collapses into particle form and becomes a sphere?
My answer to that question? A resounding yes! Why? How? What??
Since you asked… Let’s look at another Hermetic Principle:
3. The Principle of Vibration:
Nothing rests; Everything moves; Everything vibrates.This principle embodies the truths that ‘nothing rests,’ ‘everything is in motion,’ and ‘everything vibrates.’ It explains that matter, energy, and even spirit, are simply varying rates of vibration.
A long, long time ago, in a galaxy (of maturation) far, far away, when I first learned that solid objects are made up of moving particles, I was dumbfounded and fascinated. Then I became enamored with material things and wasted my life away until I awakened to Spiritual realities some 35 years later. Another story for another lifetime.
So the above reality – yes reality:
This Hermetic Principle was recognized by some of the early Greek philosophers who embodied it in their systems. But, then, for centuries it was lost sight of by the thinkers outside of the Hermetic ranks. But in the Nineteenth Century physical science re-discovered the truth and the Twentieth Century scientific discoveries have added additional proof of the correctness and truth of this centuries-old Hermetic doctrine.
The above reality shows us that the materiality of our physical world is an illusion, or, as it is referred to in the Hindu religion, maya. I don’t personally adhere to the religion of “science” but I am of the mind that science, (true) religion, and art should be brought back into harmony with one another as they once were in antiquity. I only say that because the science religion of today teaches that this physical world is all there is i.e. the only reality. But as we can see, there is no “real” physicality to our “physical” world, our material existence here on Earth, therefore “science” is incorrect. On an aside as food for thought – big pharma is a product of this science religion. Let that sink in, especially in light of our current array of crisis.
If, then, all of “this” is an illusion, maya, is there any possible purpose to it all? Yes!
Just after reading the article this morning that bore the idea for this post, my wife showed me a short video of a man demonstrating just how advanced holographic technology has advanced from the early days of Disneyland and it’s haunted house. This is a different, shorter, video of the same technology, but IMO it demos a much broader look at it’s capabilities:
So, the Earth, the universe, etc. a hologram? Both a flat and a spherical Earth being true? Since the goal of this post/website is to encourage you to think for yourself, I pose this question: If man can create such a device to replicate/duplicate/create a non-physical “reality”, how much more complex a “technology” might God have at His disposal for the works of His hands?
O Lord, our Lord,
When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers,
The moon and the stars, which You have ordained…
So what is the purpose of Life, then, if all of “this” is maya? Easy – Life is a school of learning. Way back when there were what are called “Mystery Schools” where the secrets were taught to those individuals who possessed the constitution to understand them. Jesus taught His disciples such secrets in private, as He did Nicodemus (do you really think that what is recorded in John 3 is the totality of what Jesus taught Nicodemus that night? – but I digress…). We are here to learn – about ourselves, about God, and about exactly what our relationship to God and the Cosmos is. All the world is a stage and we are players, students. To the degree we do not understand this is the degree to which we do not understand ourselves, or God for that matter.
I have a saying that came to me one day:
If anything is possible, then everything is probable.
I live by that. Ponder it. It is freeing.
I’ll leave you on a lighter note. This one will confirm my age. My favorite band has been for the better part of my life is Rush. There is a song I’d like to share: Limelight. First the lyrics, then a video. Observe the audience (not to mention the band members) in the video and you’ll get a good idea of my age (I’m 60).
Music: Geddy Lee and Alex Lifeson
Lyrics: Neil Peart (RIP)Living on a lighted stage
Approaches the unreal
For those who think and feel
In touch with some reality
Beyond the gilded cageCast in this unlikely role,
Ill-equipped to act
With insufficient tact
One must put up barriers
To keep oneself intactLiving in the Limelight
The universal dream
For those who wish to seemThose who wish to be
Must put aside the alienation
Get on with the fascination
The real relation
The underlying themeLiving in a fisheye lens
Caught in the camera eye
I have no heart to lie
I can’t pretend a stranger
Is a long-awaited friendAll the world’s indeed a stage
And we are merely players
Performers and portrayers
Each another’s audience
Outside the gilded cage*
*Gilded cage: a place where someone appears to live in luxury but where he or she has very little freedom.