God is notPosted on 07/23/2021  |  By

…a one day a week, 2 hour experience; An “only on HOLYday” excursion into your life…

God is your Creator. God is everywhere, in everything. God will not be mocked, nor ignored.

God is not vengeful, He does not seek destruction of the Soul as our enemies do.

God breathed out the Universe, not on a whim, but with Divine Purpose, and in that purpose – a Divine Plan.

God does not begin something He Himself fails to finish – to His expectation, to His desire, to His satisfaction.

God will not fail – Himself, His Angels, His dominion. He will not fail His Creation. He will not fail His greatest Creation: Humanity.

God has planted a spark, a seed, of Himself in each one of us. There the seed sits – either in good soil, or poor. It is ours to feed, water, nurture, to bring to Life within our hearts and minds. This is Free Will.

God has a still, small voice. He speaks to us in the Silence. If we would only take the moment required to listen – and hear. And in hearing, respond.

God is not far. He never has been. He dwells within each of us, where He waits.

God is patient. He waits for those who are His. He calls to Himself His own. Do we hear? Do you hear? Have you not heard? Has it not been said from the Beginning?

God wants you – to desire Him – as He desires you. God is Love. God IS Love. Love is not blind, for Love is God – and God looks to, sees, the heart, your heart.

God is Abba. God is our dear, beloved, caring, loving, yearning Father. He beckons us “come Home! Return to Me and I shall lay out a feast in your favor. A feast of Thanksgiving, a feast of Celebration. For you and I are One. You and I share in the Eternal. Will you not return? Will you not let Me Love you? Will you not Love Me?”

If everything great and wonderful I could say about God were written, there would not be enough ink, there would not be enough time in the time I have left in this life. God has chosen me. That is no big deal. He has chosen you, too. He chooses all of Humanity. THAT IS a big deal. Do we have the Love within us to choose Him? To Love Him? To seek that which is Above before that which is below?

Please – stop. Find the Silence. Listen. Respond.