Evil is Sh*t
In everything that man creates, be it for good or for evil, it is the Good that influences the final product. One only needs to see the forest beyond the trees, the Universe beyond the stars.
It may seem that those who “see” and those who “hear” the good speaking out are few, but together, whether now or in the future, they comprise a vast whole much the same as an ocean is but a collection of single drops.
Evil has its purpose, but it lies to itself that that purpose is of its own making, its own creation. It is not, for no matter how hard it tries or how much it lies to itself, it serves the Divine. And we are, each of us, a drop in the Universe of the Divine. Evil serves us in the struggle to better ourselves, we do not serve it.
Evil was thrown down to earthly life when it failed in the heavens. Indeed, it has its claws in our very souls. But it has not escaped its defeat in the Spiritual World, the domain of the real reality. It exists, kicking and scratching to survive within each of us. But it has NO power over us except that which we give it of our own FREE will.
God spoke to Elijah in a whisper. Evil seeks to mimic that Divine event in each one of us – whispering its desire for a piece of our soul upon which to feed.
Be aware. Be awake. Shun the whisper of evil and hear the whisper of God.