Category: Spiritual

Spiritual Life


Slave or Master – the Choice is Yours

Posted on Sunday March 26, 2023   |   By

We have been so trained over the past 3 generations to live dependent on “convenience.” We now expect other people to take care of the difficult things in life so we can be “free” to do what we want i.e. “enjoy” bread and circuses. (more…)

Spiritual Awakening is Sometimes a Long Road

Posted on Friday February 17, 2023   |   By

For the better part of my life, indeed the past 45 years (I am now 62 years old as I write this), I have pondered, even meditated upon, searched for, the spiritual meaning of life. (more…)

My Cave

Posted on Sunday February 5, 2023   |   By

I live in a cave. Alone and isolated. (more…)

The River of Life

Posted on Saturday February 4, 2023   |   By
